张晶晶 课件 五下Unit6第一课时课件2.ppt

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张晶晶 课件 五下Unit6第一课时课件2

In the kitchen 长江路小学 张晶晶 Unit 6 In the kitchen story time Enjoy the songs. Enjoy the song. What are the songs about?(这些歌是关于什么的?) apples oranges tomatoes potatoes } fruit } vegetables Are you…ing ? Yes, I am. No, I’m not. I’m … cooking Are you…ing? Yes, I am. No, I’m not. I’m… My name: Sandy My favourite(最喜欢的) food: Hobby: I am good at cooking meat with potatoes and some tomato soup. They are yummy. 美味的 This is me a great cook(厨师) cooking bread 试着问问关于我的信息吧! meat with potatoes (土豆烧肉) tomato soup(西红柿汤) Happy Game Tips:当你看到图片或单词时,请大声读出来。当你看到 和 时,说“yummy”。 bread meat tomato soup vegetables Task 1 Watch and choose What do they have for dinner?(他们晚饭吃什么?) What do they have for dinner? ( ) A B C chicken tomato soup meat with potatoes B、C tomato soup meat with potatoes Watch and choose Task 2 Watch and answer 1. What are Liu Tao’s parents doing? 2. Is Mrs Liu cooking meat? 3. What is Mr Liu doing? 1. What are Liu Tao’s parents doing? 2. Is Mrs Liu cooking meat? 3. What is Mr Liu doing? They are cooking dinner in the kitchen. No, she isn’t. She is washing some vegetables. He’s cooking meat with potatoes. Watch and answer I cant wait. 我等不及了! Task 3 Listen and answer 1. What is Liu Tao doing? 1. What is Liu Tao doing? Listen and answer 找 Task 4 Read and answer 1. What is Liu Tao doing? 2. Hows the meat? 3. Hows the soup? He is eating the meat. Its yummy. Its nice. 自读课文第三部分,画出问题答案。 Read after the recorder. 跟读课文,体会文中人物的情感变化。 以小组为单位 选择一种喜欢的方式读课文 Read in roles. (分角色读) Read together. (齐 读) … Read after one. (跟一个学生读) Lets act 表演时声音响亮 表演时声音响亮,脱离书本,并且富有感情。 表演时声音响亮,脱离书本,富有感情并且加上动作。 选一个场景演一演吧! Scene 1 Scene 2 Read and write Tips:自主阅读P58. P59对话,完成P60 read and write。 It is six oclock in the evening. My parents in the kitchen. My father . My mother . She wa


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