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The characteristics of rational literatureemphasis on rationalitythe ideals of justice, liberty, and equality as the natural rights of manbrought to life secular(世俗的,现世的) education and literatureclarity(清楚) and precision(精确) in writingThomas PaineMajor works:A.Common Sense B.American CrisisC.The Rights of Man D.The Age of ReasonBenjamin Frankin(1)who is he?A.the only writer in the colonial period whose works are read today.B.a spokesman for the new order of the 18th century enlightenment C.The father of all YankeesD.The father of his country for quite some timeE.The symbol of America in the Age of Enlightenment, who brought the colonial era to a close(2)Franklin’s Contributions to the U.S.As a scientistHe helped found the Pennsylvania Hospital, an academy which led to the University of Pennsylvania, and the American Philosophical Society.As an accomplished scientistHe searched on electricity, experienced with his kite and invented the lightning rod and others:Effective street lightingThe Franklin StoveVolunteer fire departmentsBifocal glassesSwim finsAs a philosiphor:His philosophical ideas are illustrated in his masterpiece “Autobiography”: Puritanism and Enlightenment.As a literary man:Poor Richard’s AlmanacAutobiography(3) Poor Richard’s Almanac The Almanac contained the calendar, weather, poems, sayings and astronomical(天文学的)and astrological(占星术的)information that a typical almanac of the period would contain. (4)Introduction to AutobiographyA.His Autobiography is perhaps the first real American writing as well as the first real autobiography in English. B.“Autobiography” is the recording of his rising from a state of poverty and obscurity to wealth and fame. (from rags to riches)C.The Autobiography is a record of self-examination and self-improvement. Through telling a success story of self-reliance, the book celebrates, in fact, the fulfillment of the American dream.D.His Autobiography is perhaps the first real American writing as well as the first real autobio


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