挑战拖延症 心理沙龙幻灯片1.ppt

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挑战拖延症 心理沙龙幻灯片1

If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind? 冬天快来了,春天还会远嘛? If Winter Holiday comes, can Final Examination be far behind? 寒假快来了,期终考试还会远嘛? PLANNER 计划者 PERFORMER 执行者 Q A yes no QA 1、Finish the work at the last minute? 2、Surfing the internet when you are working and studying ? QA 3、Eating many snacks in core time? QA 4、Choosing not to do the most important things first? QA 5、Be used to staying up late ? QA ≥3 PUT UP YOUR HANDS CONGRATULATIONS! Procrastinators 挑战拖延症 向与生俱来的行为宣战 Procrastination Why do you do it What to Do About It Now * What is procrastination? What do you do when you procrastinate? Read a magazine Take a walk Trim nails(修指甲) Go for a nap Check your e-mails and micro-blog Clean desks(this is my favorite things) Reasons FearDifficult A Lack of knowledge/skills B Perfectionism(完美主义) C Unreasonable plan D Negative effects * 1 acknowledge your procrastination 2 make a reasonable plan 3 learn to object Overcome Procrastination OBJECT LEARN TO SAY NO pessimistic talktive Lazy “孟母择邻” Tomorrow is another day. -----Gone with The Wind So if you want to……. JUST DO IT * *


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