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* Greetings Revisions Practice “what are they doing? Passage Exercise Homework shine be bright Eg. 月光通过窗户照了进来。 The moon is shining through the window. day time between sunrise and sunset Eg. It’s a nice day today. dayboy daygirl daydream sun 太阳 阳光 sit in the sun 坐在阳光下 under the sun (anywhere in the world) with 和……一起 Eg. Go on holiday with a friend. I am having lunch with my family now. boat 小船 in the same boat ship large vessel carrying people or goods by sea 游轮 war ship 战舰 出于同样的境地 ( 不幸的处境) 1 Where is the man going? Hes going into the shop. 2 Where is the woman going? Shes going out of the shop. 3 Where is he sitting? Hes sitting beside his mother. 4 Where are they walking? Theyre walking across the street. 5 Where are the cats running? Theyre running along the wall. 6 Where are the children jumping? Theyre jumping off the branch. 7 Where is the man standing? Hes standing between two policemen. 8 Where is she sitting? Shes sitting near the tree. 9 Where is it flying? Its flying under the bridge. 10 Where is the aeroplane flying? Its flying over the bridge. 11 Where are they sitting? Theyre sitting on the grass. 12 Where are the man and the woman reading? Theyre reading in the living room Its going into the shop. go into prep. 走进,进入 ? She is going into the classroom. 她正走进教室。 into 介词 prep. 1 (表示动作的方向)到...里 The man is walking into the house in the dark. 那人正摸黑走进屋内。 2. 朝,向;触及 The car ran into the wall. 汽车撞到墙上。 3. 对...(极)有兴趣,热衷于,入迷 He is very deep into computers. 他对电脑兴趣很浓。 out of 固定词组 The bird is going out of the door The old man is sitting beside his wife. beside prep. 在旁边 She is sitting near the tree. near prep. 靠近 接近 beside 与 near 的区别 1. beside 在...近旁;在旁边 He is sitting beside Emma. 他在艾玛身旁坐下. 2) near表示“在……附近”,表示的距离比beside稍远些,也时常换用 Eg:There is a shop near his home. 他家附近有一家商店。 Don‘t play near the road. 不要在马路附近玩。 There is a pos


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