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Lesson 43 Fully Insured 全保险 Insure v.投保 =make a contract that promises to pay a sum of money in case of accident,damage,loss,etc. Insure sb/sth against给某人或某物保险,以防万一 —Employer must insure their employees against accident. Insurance n.保险 Insurance company 保险公司 同意词: assure v.向……保证,使确信,它的宾语一定是人 --I assure you that I’ll bring your happiness. ensure:保证,确保,宾语可以是物 --Hard work can ensure our success. guarantee:担保 --I can guarantee the watch for ten months. Luckily, he had insured himself against long term illness. My house is insured against fire. recover ① vi.使得到补偿,弥补=make up for ,compensate for ② vt,康复 recover from --Nothing can recover our health. 同义词: regain:经过努力而获得什么 --regain one‘s courage 重新获得勇气 recover our courage 恢复勇气 --He regained/recovered his enthusiasm. restore 恢复(健康,原状)vt --He has been restored. --He has recovered.不及物 heal vt.治愈(创伤,伤口) --His wound has healed. admittedly adv.公认地=we are admitting that --Admittedly he is a great person. purchase vt.买(比buy要正式,主要用于书面语,还可以是名词) --Can you purchase freedom with money? --Yesterday I bought a tie, that looks terrible. purchase money 买进价格 purchasing power购买力 not worth a day’s purchase.危在旦夕 --His life is not worth a day’s purchase. The slave purchased freedom with their blood. Agreement for sale and purchase annual a.一年一度的 What is your annual salary? The meeting is held annually. Biannual anniversary teenager n.(13至19岁)的青少年 capsize vi.(船)翻 --The ship capsized because of the rough wave. shiver v.打颤,发抖=tremble 整体的颤抖用shiver,部分的用tremble --His hands are trembling. --His trembling voice betrayed his secret. --He is shivering with cold. shudder 因为寒冷害怕等因素导致的全身抖动,可替换shiver Haul---pull---drag Haul v.拖曳=pull with effort our force强调用力拉 --They hauled the boat up the beach. Rim---border---boundary--verge Pacific Rim The border or edge of an object On the verge/rim of a war Gold-rimmed spectacles agonizing a.精神紧张的,提心吊胆的 agonize v.使精神紧张,使极度痛苦 ---This frustration agonized him. agonized 感到提心吊胆的 agony n.=great pain


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