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The future future [fju:t??] n. 未来,前途 1)n. 未来,将来,前途 The future is always unknown to us. What will be the future of our planet? provide for the future a young man with a future in future 今后,以后 in the future 在未来,在将来 2)adj. 未来的,将来的 one’s future husband a future generation fair [fε?] n. 集市 1)n. 博览会,商展,展览会 a book fair an international trade fair 2)集市(类似中国的庙会) a village fair a day after the fair (口语)过迟,太晚 3)adj. 公平的,公正的(反义词unfair) fair and square 光明正大地 She is fair with her students. a fair price 公正的价格 fairly adv.相当,非常 fortune-teller [f?:t??n,tel?] n. 算命人 fortune 1) n. 运气,命运 by good fortune 幸好 by bad fortune 不幸 Fortune 命运女神 2)财产,财富 make a fortune 发财 fortune hunter 以财产为目的而结婚的人,找富有的结婚对象的人 反:unfortunate adj. 不幸的 a fortunate man 一个幸运的人 I am fortunate to have good health. It was fortunate that the passing ship saved him. crystal [krist?l] n. 水晶 as clear as crystal 如水晶般清澈透明的 a necklace of crystals 水晶项链 crystal clear 清晰的 crystal gazing 水晶球占卜术 relation [rilei??n] n. 亲属 1)关系,关联 the relation between crime and poverty 犯罪和贫穷的关系 break off relations with sb. 与……绝交 create a relation with 与……建立关系 strengthen the relations with 加强与……的关系 2)亲戚,亲属(=relative);血缘关系 He is a near relation of mine. Is he any relation to you? relationship 关系,联系,人际关系 She has a very good relationship with her students. 她和学生们的关系很好。 the relationship between teachers and students.师生关系 impatiently [impei??nli] adv. 不耐烦地 patient 1) adj. 有耐心的,能忍受的;(反义词:impatient) You should be more patient with others. He was patient of hardships. impatient adj.不耐烦的 be impatient with sb. 对人不耐烦 be impatient of sth. 对某事不耐烦 2)n. 病人 eg. The hospital has a lot of patients. 这家医院有很多病人。 patiently adv. 有耐心地,能忍受地 反义词:impatiently At a village fair, I decided to visit a fortune-teller called Madam Bellinsky. at a village fair(名词修饰名词)/ at a fair in the village We went to the fair in the village/ We went to the village fair. Decide to do sth决定做某事 He decides to go abroad to receive further education. called Madam Bellinsky 过去分


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