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Warm up Ask Answer 1. Where are you from? 2. Do you miss your hometown? city? countryside? town? village? Let’s review 日子 云 天空 太阳 照耀 和···在一起 家庭 走路 跨越,在····之上 桥 11.船 12.河 13.轮船 14.飞机 15.飞 16.睡觉 17.刮脸 18.哭,喊 19.洗 20.等 21.跳 Everyday English 1. I’m not myself today . 我今天身体不适(心神不宁)。 2. I didn’t mean to hurt you. 我不是故意伤害你。 3. I mean what I say . 我说话算数。 New words and expression ★photograph n. 照片 photographer:摄影师 photograph n. 照片(正式) photo (非正式) 复数photos I want to take a photo. picture 照片(美) take a photograph/ picture/photo 拍照 “……的”用of,无生命的东西表示所属 a photograph of a city/ our village take a photo 照张相 我可以给它照张相吗? Can I take a photo of it? 不准照相 No photos. birds’ nest villager:村民 Our village is in a valley. in a village 在村庄里 a picture/photograph of our village between 在..之间(两者之间) Buses go between the two cities. 公车穿梭在两个城市之间。 It’s between you and me. 不要让其他人知道。 You can choose between your mother and your father. 你可以在你爸妈之间选一个。 between 在..之间(两者之间) among 在…之间(三者或三者以上的之间) Which student is the best one among them? I like this one best among these. 在这些中,我最喜欢这个。 between和among 1) between一般指“两者之间”, 例如:①Between the door and the windows there is a map.门和窗户的中间有一张地图。 ②Whats the difference between the two words? 这两个词之间有什么区别? 2) among 指三者或三者以上的同类事物之间,在或笼统的一群人或一些物之中,表示“在……中间,在……之中”。如:③The young people lived and worked among the workers.那些年青人生活、工作在工人之中。 ④They divided the money among(或 between) themselves.他们自己把钱分了。(注:用among,they至少是三个人;用between, they是两个人。) 【注意】我们可以说between you and me,但不能说 between you and I,因为between是介词。 ★hill n. 小山 hill:不高的小山丘 mount:名山,专有名词 Mount Tai mountain:大山,高山 range:山脉,连绵起伏的群山 peak:山峰 It’s between the two hills. ★ another另一个,再一个 another+单数名词 Give me another glass. Give me another piece of cake. This shirt is too long. Please give me another. one…the other…“两者之间另一个” There are two books


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