新概念青少版3B Unit24 No laughing allowed.ppt

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新概念青少版3B Unit24 No laughing allowed

Listening and understanding Picture one Claire: Craig and I were in trouble(遇到麻烦) at work today, Paul. Paul: Why was that? Claire: We laughed in the library. It’s against(违背) the rules. Paul: What happened? Picture two Claire: While(在…之间) we were entering(输入) data(资料) in the system(系统), Craig started to laugh. When I looked at his screen(屏幕), I started to laugh, too. We couldn’t stop. Picture Three Claire: We were both still laughing when the Librarian(图书管理员) came in. he asked us what was so funny. That set us off (使…发笑)again. Picture four Claire: It was a story about an artist in California. He was camping (宿营) in the desert(沙漠) when he decided(决定) to chain(用 链条束缚) his legs together. Paul: Why? Claire: He wanted to draw(画)them like that. Picture five Claire: Then, while he was working on the drawing, he lost the key. There he was in the desert, with a chain around his legs. He hopped (单脚跳)for twelve hours to the nearest town. And he took the drawing with him. Picture six Claire: It was a pretty(很,十分) good drawing of two legs with a chain around them. Unfortunately(令人遗憾的是,可惜), the Librarian didn’t see the joke! New words and Expressions Lesson48 Drop 使掉下,使落下 As当…时 Go out熄灭 Embarrassed尴尬的,窘迫的 Lucy下车的时候弄掉了她的书。 Lucy dropped her books as she was getting off the bus. Karen做饭的时候灯熄灭了。 The light went out when Karen was cooking dinner. 他看上去有点尴尬。 He looked a bit embarrassed. Tent 帐篷 跟读练习 wear what where drawing throwing fewer write who 听w发音/不发音 allowed were work why we was while when what draw drawing working with twelve will would watch went warm wet windy which weather whether



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