新模式英语Unit3 food Lesson2 It‘s in the newspaper ..ppt

新模式英语Unit3 food Lesson2 It‘s in the newspaper ..ppt

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新模式英语Unit3 food Lesson2 It‘s in the newspaper .

新模式英语课件设计;Review;Identify the names of the foods in the following.;Review 2-sentences to express meals.;;Unit 3 Lesson2;Lesson 2 It’s in the newspaper.;Lesson 2 It’s in the newspaper A 1;Useful words and phrases: a pound / a jar / a gallon / package / cost;Lesson 2 It’s in the newspaper B 1;Lesson 2 It’s in the newspaper B 2;?;Lesson 2 It’s in the newspaper D 1;Lesson 2 It’s in the newspaper D 2;$2.25;Lesson 2 It’s in the newspaper E 2; F;Student A;Lesson 2 It’s in the newspaper H;Lesson 2 It’s in the newspaper I;Assignment 1;Assignment 2;Extra reading-How to read newspapers;Duong: We need to go shopping. We are out of everything. Minh: You’re right. Let’s make a shopping list. Duong: Well, I know we need ground beef. Minh: That’s not all. We really need carrots and tomatoes, too. Duong: OK, I’ll write that down---carrots, tomatoes. Minh: Let’s buy some soda, too. Duong: OK, I’ll add it to the list. Minh: Wow! Avocados are expensive. Let’s just buy two. Duong: OK, two it is. Anything else? Minh: No, I think that is it. Duong: OK, I have ground beef, carrots, tomatoes, soda, and avocados on the list.;New Words;;


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