新版BOOK 7 Unit 4 教案.doc

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新版BOOK 7 Unit 4 教案

Unit 4 I have a pen pal? The first class Type: New 教材分析: 本单元学习的主题是交笔友。主情景图通过展示帐篷和Oliver谈论自己的笔友呈现本单元要学习的核心词汇和句型,通过Zoom和Zip喝下午茶的情景渗透中式茶和英式茶的差异 Teaching Requests: 1.Aims on the knowledge: (1)Enable Ss to grasp the key structures: what are Peter’s hobbies? H e likes reading stories. He likes doing kung fu and swimming. He also likes singsng. (2)Ss are able to understand and read the dialogue well. 2.Aims on the abilities: (1)Ss are able to use the drills: what are…’s hobbies? He/She likes … (2)To develop the Ss’ communicative abilities. 3.Aims on the emotion: 培养通过了解对方的兴趣爱好结交朋友的意识。 能够看图捕捉信息,并根据提示做出听前预测 Important and Difficult points: Key-point of this lesson: 1.To help Ss to study and use the sentence: What are Peter’s hobbies? H e likes reading stories. He likes doing kung fu and swimming. He also likes singing. 2.To enable Ss to study independently as well as by co-operation. 3.To develop Ss’ interest in English. Difficult points: The Ss are able to use the sentences in the proper scene. Teaching aids: Word-cards, picture cards, recorder,ppt. Teaching steps Steps 1:Warm up exercises: sing a song《》 2. Make a T shows some photos:I can play ping-pong well. I like dancing. This is my pen pal. She likes going hiking. Zhang Peng has a pen pal too.What are Zhang Peng’s pen pal’s hobbies, do you want to know? (Purpose:通过新知学习做铺垫)。 Step 2:Presentation:Let’s try. Listen and then write t or f Listen to the tape and write t or f. Check the answer. Listen and repeat (Purpose:视听入手,感受新知) Let’s talk (1)Ask and answer T: By Let’s try, we know Peter likes basketball. What are Peter’s other hobbies? (Purpose:通过听音回答上面问题,吸引学生注意力,又再次呈现了本课重点知识。) (2) Read the dialogue follow the tape. Lead Ss to pay attentions to the key structures:’s hobbies? H e likes reading stories. He likes doing kung fu and swimming. He also likes singing. And pay attentions to some new words: also Jasmine Flower (3)Read it in groups. ()Act the dialogue in groups. (5) make new dialogues in groups. 例


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