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We should start from the point of sustainable and rational development of nuclear industry, to find a new way of clean energy for the world. Feng Xiao, nuclear energy and technology for economic, technical management of land resources, 2008-8-15 Peng Hong, human security calls for nuclear rational, Journal of South China University, 2007-6-15 Bao Yunqiao, miracle in the atomic age, Beijing : Popular Science Press, 1987 On Luo G, the concept of radioactive waste, the IAEA press, 2003 7、 References Thank you! * YOUR SITE HERE LOGO YOUR SITE HERE Nuclear energy and nuclear safety YOUR SITE HERE The main content 1、What is nuclear energy 2、Use of nuclear energy 3、All of the nuclear concerns 4、Advantages of nuclear energy 5、The current nuclear security measures 6、The conclusions 7、 References Nuclear energy is released from the nucleus through the conversion of its quality. 1、What is nuclear energy Nuclear reactions may be induced by bombardment with a wide variety of particles. Chain reaction YOUR SITE HERE Ways of developing nuclear energy have two : one is the fission of heavy elements, such as the fission of uranium Uranium ore Fission the other is the fusion of light elements, such as deuterium, tritium, and so on Fusion Fission of heavy elements techniques, have been practical application, And light elements in fusion technology, is also being actively developed . Tokamak Human reality uses of nuclear energy began in the war. 2、 Use of nuclear energy little boy YOUR SITE HERE China also have our own nuclear bombs, hydrogen bombs, nuclear submarines. The human development and utilization of nuclear energy is mainly developed nuclear power, relative to other forms of energy, nuclear energy has distinct advantages. In 1954, the former Soviet Union built an experimental nuclear p


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