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* 歇后语 (a two-part allegorical saying) ---基本翻译法 汉语语言积淀的精华 (the accumulated essence of chinese language) 1.成语( idiom) 2.歇后语(a two-part allegorical saying) 3.谚语(proverbs) 歇后语的组成部分: 形象的比喻(谜面) 解释说明(谜底) 比喻性歇后语 谐意双关 双关性歇后语 谐音双关 歇后语的修辞手法:比喻(Metaphor)、谐音(Homophone)与双关(Puns) 歇后语的分类: 比喻性歇后语 竹篮打水---一场空(以事喻物) 天上的水---无拘无束(以物喻人) 大水冲了龙王庙---一家人不认一家人(以事喻义) 徐庶进曹营---一言不发(以人喻义) 谐音双关歇后语 和尚打伞----无法无天(谐音双关) 三九的萝卜---冻了心(动了心)(谐音双关) 谐意双关歇后语 一根筷子吃藕----挑眼 章鱼的肚子---有墨水 歇后语翻译方法 1.直译法 瞎子点灯---白费蜡。 It is useless as a blind man lighting a candle。 黄鼠狼给鸡拜年----不怀好意。 A weasel wishing Happy New Year to a chicken-bring no good intention. 玻璃杯里的苍蝇---有光明没有前途。 A fly in the glass-seeing the light but not the future. 老虎吃天---无从下口。 A tiger wanting to eat the sky-not knowing where to start 兔子尾巴----长不了。 The tail of a rabbit-cannot be long. 茶壶里煮饺子---有也倒不出来。 A dumpling in boiler–cannot be poured out. 八仙过海---各显神通。 (Like)the eight immortals crossing the sea—each showing his or her special prowess.(Each of them shows their true worth) 2.意译法 徐庶进曹营---一言不发。 He holds his tongue to begin with. 一切都是外甥找灯笼----照旧(舅)。 Thing will be back what they were before. 哑巴吃黄连----有苦说不出来。 Unspoken bitterness;or It is real grief,yet he finds it difficult to express. 正月十五贴门神----晚了半个月。 They are too late for a rescue. 袖筒了的棒槌----直出直进。 I speak frankly and to the point. 骑毛驴看唱本----走着瞧。 Let us wait and see. 头顶生疮,脚底流脓-----坏透了。 To be rotten from head to foot;be rotten to bad in the extreme. 卷起袖子抓刺猬---棘手 rolling up one’s sleeves to catch a hedgehog–a thorny job 小和尚念经---有口无心 a young Buddist monk reciting scripture–not being aware what they really mean 拳头打跳蚤---毫无用处 squashing fleas with one’s fist–painstaking efforts to no avail 杀鸡给猴看---杀一儆百 killing the chicken to frighten monkeys–punishing smeone as a warning to others 3.直译和意译兼用 4.直译加注法 周瑜打黄盖---一个愿打,一个愿挨。 Skillfully given by a Chou Yu and gladly taken by a Huang Gai(notes:a


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