江苏省八年级英语牛津译林版下册单元课件:UNIT7 GRAMMAR 语法课件.ppt

江苏省八年级英语牛津译林版下册单元课件:UNIT7 GRAMMAR 语法课件.ppt

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江苏省八年级英语牛津译林版下册单元课件:UNIT7 GRAMMAR 语法课件

Unit 7 Grammar Passive voice Zxxk 中学学科网 组卷网 WWF UNICEF Oxfam ORBIS What does the logo in picture 1 stand for? 2 1 3 4 3.Where do ORBIS doctors do operations? 2.What is needed by ORBIS to help blind people? 1.What is the charity called in English? 4.How many of these cases can be prevented or cured? 1.What is the charity called in English? It is called ORBIS. 2.What is needed by ORBIS to help blind people? More money is needed by ORBIS to help blind people. ORBIS doctors do operations on the plane. On the plane , operations are done by ORBIS doctors . 3.Where do ORBIS doctors do operations? 4.How many of these cases can be prevented or cured? About 80 per cent of them can be prevented or cured. 1.It is called ORBIS. 2.More money is needed by ORBIS to help blind people. 3.On the plane , operations are done by volunteer doctor. 4.About 80 per cent of them can be prevented or cured. 3.ORBIS doctors do operations on the plane. Many people speak English. by Many people. English is spoken 动作的执行者 动作的承受者 plant trees every year They plant many trees every year. Many trees are planted by them every year. last year planted were planted They last year last year be + done 被动语态的基本结构: 有各种时态的变化 考点一: [1]. Now English ____ by more and more people all over the word. A. speaks B. is spoken C. was spoken 一般现在时的被动语态: am / is / are + done [2]. The lost boy ____ at the street corner last night. A. was found B. is found C. was looked for 一般过去时的被动语态: was / were + done [3]. More man-made satellites ____ in the future. A. will send up B. will be sent up C. are sent up 一般将来时的被动语态: will + be + done be going to + be + done [4]. Three bridges ____ since last year. A. have built B. were built C. have been built 现在完成时的被动语态: have / has + been + done [5]. Flowers ____ every day. A. has been watered B. sh


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