江苏省永丰初级中学九年级英语上册 Unit 4 Growing up Task 2课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

江苏省永丰初级中学九年级英语上册 Unit 4 Growing up Task 2课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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江苏省永丰初级中学九年级英语上册 Unit 4 Growing up Task 2课件 (新版)牛津版

Who has influenced you most in your life? What does he/she like? What is special about him/her? What has he/she done? Give one or two examples. What do you think of him/her? * 9A Unit 4 Task The person who has influenced me most Guess He is small and short But he is a famous basketball player. He became the shortest player in NBA. … She is a Jew. She was caught and sent to a Nazi camp. She wrote a book called The Dairy of a Young Girl. … The person who has influenced a lot of people Is there any person who has influenced you most during your life? Maybe your father, your mother, your teacher, or even a stranger. Talk about him/her with your partner. Free talk friendly clever fair patient curious polite creative kind hard-working … The person who has influenced me most her father Appearance in his fifties Personality kind helpful give our TV to a family care for the children give money to sb. in need What he has done donate blood many times donate blood cells decide to donate his body 2. What does he/she look like? 3. What is he/she like? 4. What has he/she done? Give one or two examples. Conclusion have a heart full of love 5. What does the writer think of him/her? Introduction 1. Who has influenced the writer most? Introduction Main body Conclusion What does the writer think of him? Appearance Personality What he has done Who has influenced her most? Clear structure Organize our ideas clearly. What makes a good English article? Structure shows a clear organization helps express our opinions Discussion: … Language Content Handwriting Make our language beautiful a. word choices sentence making proper decoration(修饰) Useful expressions: … is the person who has influenced me most. … is in his/her twenties/ thirties/ forties/ … You’ll not find anything unusual about him/ her until… … has always been kind/ helpful/ … To my surprise, … When I was a little girl/ boy, I could not understand… Now I realize that… Underline beau



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