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郑州交通职业学院 毕 业 论 文(设 计) 论文(设计)题目:汽车空调制冷剂对全球气候的影响及发展前景 所属系别 汽车运用工程系 专业班级 10级汽运7班 姓 名 Young 学 号 指导教师 撰写日期 2013 年 4 月 摘 要 我们居住的地球周围包围着一层大气,臭氧层就存在于地球上方15~50 km的大气平流层中,它保存了大气中90%左右的臭氧,将这一层高浓度的臭氧称为“臭氧层”。它可以有效地吸收对生物有害的太阳紫外线。如果没有臭氧层这把地球的“保护伞”,强烈的紫外线辐射不仅会使人死亡,而且会消灭地球上绝大多数物种。当前环境变暖引起的气候变化,臭氧层空洞等已成为全球性的环境问题,如果任其发展下去将对人类的生存和发展构成严峻的挑战。因此在汽车空调制冷剂的替代研究过程中应该加强对生态环境的保护意识,不能只看到眼前利益,而同时要注重生态环境与人类的协调和可持续的发展氟利昂缩写为CFCs,主要用于制冷剂、溶剂、塑料发泡剂、气溶胶喷雾剂及电子清洗剂等。当制冷系统破裂、渗漏或更换、清洗时均有可能造成氟利昂的外漏。 关键词:汽车空调,制冷,气候,影响 Abstract Around the earth we live surrounded by a layer of the atmosphere, the ozone layer there is in the 15 to 50 km of the atmosphere above the earth in the stratosphere, which holds about 90% of the ozone in the atmosphere, the ozone concentration of this highly known as the ozone layer. It can effectively absorb the suns harmful ultraviolet biological. If there is no ozone layer of the Earth umbrella, strong ultraviolet radiation not only make people die, and will eliminate the vast majority of species on Earth. Current the environmental warming-induced climate change, the ozone hole has become a global environmental problem, if unchecked will human survival and development constitute a serious challenge. Should be strengthened in the automotive air conditioning refrigerant alternative course of the study on the ecological environment protection awareness, can not only see the immediate benefits, while at the same time to pay attention to the ecological environment and human coordinated and sustainable development of Freon abbreviated as CFCs, mainly used for refrigerants, solvents, plastic foam, aerosol sprays, and electronic cleaning agent. When the refrigeration system is broken, leaking or replacement, cleaning both may cause leakage of Freon. Keywords: Automotive air-conditioning, Refrigeration, Climate, Impact 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u   HYPERLINK \l _Toc354088180 1 引言  PAGEREF _Toc354088180 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc354088181 2 当前的制冷剂及其存在的


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