汽车英语 翻译.ppt

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汽车英语 翻译

请在此处填写作品信息(此页非设计页);background information;background information;Text Analysis;translation ;translation ;translation; I can assure you that the buzzing seat would have jolted me back to the job at hand. The car I’m driving is a prototype from the French automaker Peugeot Citron,but a showroom -ready copy isn’t many months away.;Flash back five months: I am at a text track at the base of Mount Fuji in Japan, in a Lexus fitted with a pre-crash safety system. I drive down the track at about 40 mph toward a rubber post.; Instinct and education make it hard to keep my foot off the brake, but a goup of earnest engineers insist that I aim their $700,000 sedan straight for the post . ; At the last fraction of a second, when the car’s radar sensors and microprocessors have determined that the idiot at the wheel really is not going to steer around the obstacle, the safety system shoots into action. ? ; Seatbelt pre-tensioners cinch up, and the front and rear suspension damper stiffen.;;;; As soon as I touch the brake pedal-better late than never-the car’s brake-assist tugs them on at max effort. It is not enough to avoid the crash, but the impact speed is about half what it would have been without the new system.;翻译心得;雷克萨斯ES350广告词: 人们说, 你太固执,认准了就不放弃; 你太苛刻,容不得一点瑕疵; 你太贪心,总是想要更好; SOWHAT? 我,就是一个完美主义者!;谢谢大家!



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