沪教版深圳市英语三年级下unit 6 food and drinks第4课时课件(钟宇玲).ppt

沪教版深圳市英语三年级下unit 6 food and drinks第4课时课件(钟宇玲).ppt

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沪教版深圳市英语三年级下unit 6 food and drinks第4课时课件(钟宇玲)

Pre-task preparations 2: 活动内容:短篇阅读 活动目的:运用猜谜的方式,帮助学生扩充语汇,积累描述物品的句子 操作方法:出示谜语,让学生阅读朗读,然后猜一猜 * Pre-task preparations 4: 活动内容:语音学习 活动目的:学习新的辅音发音 操作方法:跟读音频 * 活动内容:语音学习 活动目的:复习所有的辅音发音 操作方法:教师点击页面,让学生看图朗读,形式可以是:p /p/ pig * * Period 4 6 Module 2 My favourite things Oxford English Food and drinks milk coffee water juice What do you like? I like milk. It is nice. I like ... It is ... bread biscuit egg candy a biscuit biscuits an egg eggs countable nouns uncountable nouns an a some milk juice water bread egg biscuit What do you have ? I have some biscuits. What do you have ? I have a biscuit. What do you have for a picnic? I have some candy, some _______ and some ___________. eggs apple juice I have some apples and biscuits. What do you have, children? I have some bread and bananas. I have some orange juice and milk. We have some water and candy. What do you have for the picnic? Let’s have a picnic. It is a drink. It is white. It is nice. It comes from cows. It is a drink. It is sweet. It is from a fruit. It is food. It is yellow. It is nice. It is from a hen. ____an 2. ___an ____ id 4. ___ot le____ 6. na____ 7. ba____ 8. no____ v f k h g p t d What do we have for breakfast, mum? We have some bread and milk. What do we have for breakfast, Mum? We have some noodles and eggs. I like noodles. What about you, Joe? I like noodles too. What do you have for breakfast? What do you have for breakfast? I have ____________ _________________________for breakfast. I _________________. 1 Listen to the tape of Unit 6. 2 Make a dialogue with your friends by using what we have learned from Unit 6. 活动内容:认读单词 活动目的:饮料单词的认读,分别出示单词图片和拼写,学习单词发音和拼读 操作方法:点击单词,学习朗读 其他建议:这里及后面出现的coffee(咖啡)是拓展内容,教师可根据实际情况取舍。 * 活动内容:单词操练 活动目的:利用以往学过的句型,操练单词 操作方法:给出例子,再由学生自由发挥,扩充语汇 * 活动内容:认读单词 活动目的:食物的认读,帮助学生建立单词音形义的联系 操作方法:点击单词可由学生领读或教师领读 其他建议:加入以往学过的单词在这里进行一个新旧知识的融合,帮助学生唤醒以往的知识 * Pre-task preparations 2: 活动内容:单词学习 活动目的:解读可数名词,并列出其发音规律 操作方法:点击单词可由学生领读或



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