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;河南;河南—中华民族主要的发祥地;the cradle of Chinese Civilization On this amazing land, great civilization had been created, ranging back in time to the Peiligang culture(裴李岗文化 )(dating back to 8000 years), Yangshao culture (6000 years) and Longshan culture ( 5000 years). And Xinzheng city is the native place of Yellow Emperor. ;Yin Ruins in Anyang (安阳殷墟); In 1939 in Anyang , Henan Province,the late Shang Dynasty bronze-casting was unearthed in a village, known as the “king of ding”. In Chinese history and culture, possession of an Ding is often associated with power and dominion over the whole country. Tripod often used as a royal ritual . ; Longmen Grottoes (石窟) ;The White Horse Temple, crowned as “the First Ancient Temple of China”. It was the first temple established in mainland China after Buddhism was spreaded in the country. First built in 68 A.D. in the Eastern Han Dynasty, the temple was named after the white horse for carrying back Buddhist statues and sutras from Tianzhu (today’s India) along with two imperial envoys. ;;Miss World in shaolin;   少林寺位于嵩山少室山北麓五乳峰下,据传,印度名僧菩提达摩禅师曾驻锡于此。唐初,少林寺十三棍僧救过李世民,唐代以后僧徒在此讲经习武,禅宗和少林寺名扬天下,千年来少林僧人潜心研究佛法与武学,使得佛教文化在中国广为传播,影响日渐深远,少林武术更是中华武术的瑰宝。;;Shaolin temple;云台山;云台山;; 开封府,位于开封包公湖东湖北岸,占地60余亩,建筑面积1.36万平方米,气势恢弘,巍峨壮观,与位于包公西湖的包公祠相互呼应,同碧波荡漾的三池湖水相映衬,形成了“东府西祠”,楼阁碧水的壮丽景观。 ;清明上河图;清明上河园 the Qingming River Park ;


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