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Hunan People Three Meals Everyday 湖南人的一日三餐 湖南省儿童医院检验科 黎赛 Rice Rice 经过春耕、夏耘、秋收、冬藏,如今超过65%以上的中国人食用稻米。中国是全世界水稻栽培历史最早的国家,7000年前,长江流域就开始种植水稻。稻子从一丛丛青翠的秧苗,出落成为黄金稻谷,配合着各地的饮食习俗,做出吃法多样、口味丰富的米食。 Plowing a field in spring, hoeing and weeding in summer, harvesting in autumn and storing up in winter. Today, more than 65% of the Chinese eat rice. China is the earliest country to plant rice paddy. Some 7,000 years ago, rice paddy was grown in the Yangtze River areas. From the green rice shoots to the golden paddy, rice has been made into different foods based on peoples diverse eating habits. Rice Noodles Rice noodles are the most important rice product in Hunan. They can be seen everywhere on the breakfast tables. People here love the rice noodles in soup the most. Grind the dipped fresh rice into rice milk, thats the first stepto make to rice noodles. Scoop out the milk, steam it. The rice milk is steamed on the boiling water, air dry it and store it. This is a typical rice noodle workshop in South China. As white as jade, the rice noodles preserve some warmth and produce the unique fragrance of rice. Noodles Buns Noodles 面条—湖南人早餐的又一主食。它的原材料是面粉,来自于小麦。面条于也是讲究讨口彩的中国人最受欢迎的生日主食。面条是怎么成为中国人贺寿的象征呢?有一个说法是,面的形状长而瘦,谐音长寿,面条是中国南、北方地区人都爱吃的主食。 Noodles, another main food on breakfast tables in Hunan. They are made of wheat flour.Noodles are also the most popular staple food on birthdays for the Chinese.How did noodles become the symbol of longevity? It is said that the shape of noodle is both long and slim. In Putonghua, long (chang) and slim (shou) is similar to the pronunciation of longevity (changshou). Noodles are the lovely main food for both South and North Chinese people. Buns Steamed buns stuffed with meat or vegetables, known as baozi, are a popular breakfast on the go Local residents in Hunan also like eat steam bread without stuffing Youtiao (deep-fried dough sticks) Congee Fish Head with Chopped Pepper Fish Head with Chopped Pepper Hunan peoples special is fish head with choppe


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