物流英语课件 同济大学 第一版 乐美龙.ppt

物流英语课件 同济大学 第一版 乐美龙.ppt

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物流英语课件 同济大学 第一版 乐美龙

Used equipment, excess inventory, waste by-products, returned products, and remanufacturable goods can all be managed through Internet media. The Henkel company, one of the largest producers of washing detergents and other consumer products, has designed an Internet based market for surplus materials where raw materials, has designed an Internet based market for surplus materials where raw materials which can no longer be used at a specific production site (e.g. old stock), byproducts and flawed batches are systematically offered for reuse. This process has provided great savings on raw materials. Internet based services are also opening up new potentials for safeguarding the environment in the areas of extending the use of products and recycling, for example, the Internet exchange for the recycling of cars on the Web by a company in Germany called the Renet company exists. Lesson 14: Inventory Management 1. Words Expressions Page 144 of the book 2. Phrases Terms Page 145 of the book Scanning with questions: 1.What is the definition of inventory? 2.Why do the companies keep Inventory? 3.What is the definition of lead time? 4.What are advantages of just—in-time? 5.What is the definition of anticipation inventory? 6.Please introduce ‘‘ABC approach’’. 7.What is holding costs? 8.What are set-up costs? 9.Which Costs do the ordering costs include? 10. What is purchasing cost? Text Understanding 1.If work ceases at a work center, then all subsequent centers will shut down for lack of work. If a supply of work-in-process inventory is kept between each work center, then each machine can maintain its operations for a limited time, hopefully until operations resume the original center. 假如一个工作台停止工作,那么所有后继的工作台都会由于缺少前面供应而停止运作。假如工作台之间保存了在加工件的(缓冲)存货,那么每台机器都可以维持一段时间的运作,希望能维持到那个工作台恢复运作。 2.This gives the buyer a chance to purchase material, n excess of current need, at a price that is lower than it would be if the buyer waited until after the price increase occurs.



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