现代大学英语第二版精读2 unit7 答案.ppt

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现代大学英语第二版精读2 unit7 答案

I. Spelling (10%) Complete the following words according to the Chinese corresponds 1. abandon 2. ancient 3. available 4. behavior 5. budget 6. casualty 7. conceivable 8. convenience 9. dangle 10 echo 11. gesture 12. glimpse 13. glisten 14. intolerable 15. peculiar 16. racist 17. refrigerator 18. subtle 19. survivor 20 symphony II. Word-Formation (10%) 1. qualifications 2. intelligence 3. fact-finding 4. historic 5. inseparable 6 breadwinner 7 superhighway 8 takeoff 9 delivering 10, hardware, software 6. How do you account for the companys high staff turnover? 7. Most of the buildings in the town were reduced to rubble in the earthquake. 8. How can I concentrate on my work with my roommates talking and laughing? 9. We admire the way he answered awkward questions at the press conference with wit and facts. The moment he entered the conference room, he had a feeling that something had gone wrong. English-- Chinese (20%) 1.那时我还是个小女孩,脑子里充满童话般的梦想,什么彩虹呀,一碰触就会带来幸福的 神奇的银雨点呀。父亲使我又想唱歌又想跳舞,我常常为他表演,为只有一个人的观众 独唱,他不断地鼓掌,我是公主,他是国王。不过那都是很久以前的事情了。岁月催人 老,我见得多了,但懂得少了。难过之余,我发现自己比以往明事理些了。 2.我曾经以为岁月不会在父亲或者是我身上留下痕迹,他会一直是那个我深爱着的坚强、 快乐的人。然而岁月却带走了我眼睛里的光釆,我看到他的眼睛也不再是奇妙、的淡蓝 色,而是褪成了疲惫的灰白。他说的笑话,他过去一直说的那些笑话,不再有趣,不再 使我哈哈大笑。现在听来,这些笑话是对人们、对生活的嘲弄,令人感伤。他搂着我的 时候,我感到我肩上的手十分沉重;他拉起我的手时,他抓得太紧,握得太牢。 V. Proofreading (10%) Identify and correct the mistake(s) in each of the sentences. 1. And not having a book of his own to point to, he pointed to mine which was lying on the desk. 2. Our colleges inevitably graduate a number of such life forms, but it cannot be said that they went to college; rather the college went through them—without making contact. 3. I didnt imply anything, she said, I just dont see whats wrong with a white person marrying a black person, thats all. 4. A great man shows his greatness, said Carlyle, by the way he treats little men. 5. He squeezed it to see how deep the wound was. Its shallow, he said. Tomorrow you wont even know its there. He ho


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