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Unit 1 Half a day 教学目的?? 1. 了解作者及其背景知识; ?????????????????? 2.熟悉本文使用的写作手法; ?????????????????? 3.掌握修辞疑问句、倒装句等修辞手法; ?????????????????? 4.熟练掌握三类构词法; ?????????????????? 5.通过深刻理解文章内涵,培养学生社会洞察力和相关的讨论能力,同时掌握文中的核心语言点。 ? 教学内容 1. 热身 2.作者 ??????? 教育与背景 ??????? 主要著作 ??????? 创作观 3.作品赏析 ??????? 结构分析 ??????? 如何赏析文学作品 ??????? 扩展式讨论 4.写作技巧 ??????? 省略疑问句和修辞疑问句 ??????? 倒装句 ??????? “with”独立结构 5.语言理解 ??????? 长难句解析 ??????? 核心词汇学习 band, convince, daze, exert, intricate, observe, overlook, rank, revolve, startle, uviverse, vary ??????? 介词练习 ??????? 构词法:-tion; -volve; -ly 6.课堂讨论 7.练与讲 教学重点?? 1. 文学作品的赏析; 2.文学中的修辞手法――省略疑问句和修辞疑问句;倒装句;“with”独立结构 3.构词法:前缀 ?教学方法?? 结合实际吸收各种教学法(讲授、问答、讨论、模仿、练习、多媒体使用)的优点。 教学手段??用投影仪播放PowerPoint课件及板书;群发电子邮件布置课堂资料和课后作业(或其来源)。 ⅠAbout the author ★ Naguib Mahfouz was born on the 11th Dec. 1911 in an old quarter of Cairo, the youngest son of a merchant. (mummies and pyramids / sphinx 狮身人面) ★ He worked in university administration(行政部门) and then in 1939 he worked for the Ministry of Islamic Affairs.( Buddhism Christianity Islam) ★ He was later Head of the State Cinema Organization at the Ministry of Culture(文化部). He also worked as a journalist(记者). ★ He is married, has two daughters and lives in Cairo. ★ He was the first Arab to win the Nobel prize for literature He is now the author of no fewer than 30 novels, more than 100 short stories, and more than 200 articles. Half of his novels have been made into films which have circulated (流通;传播)throughout the Arabic-speaking world. The Cairo Trilogy(三部曲) is a tale of the lives of a Muslim family and spans(跨过) the first half of the 20th century. Palace Walk 《宫间街》Palace of Desire 《思官街》Sugar Street 《甘露街》 How does he picture the world? 1 The world is very gloomy(阴沉的令人沮丧的) though not completely disappointing. 2 The author’s social utopia (乌托邦)is far from being realized. 3 Time is the bringer of change and change is a very painful process. 4 Life is a tragedy. ⅡText Appreciation 1 structure 2 Further discussion Can y


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