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主语+谓语(及物)+宾语+宾语补足语 目标: 1.知道什么是宾语补足语,它由什么充当; 2.了解带复合宾语的常用及物动词; 3.掌握“主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语”的句型,会划分此句型的句子成分,会运用此句型来翻译、造句; 4.会区别双宾语与复合宾语。 试分析下列句子: We call him Peter. 我们叫他彼得。 They always keep the room clean. 他们总是把房间保持得很干净。 这种用来补充说明宾语“怎么样”、“是什么”、“做什么”的成分,叫做宾语补足语,简称宾补。 宾语与宾语补足语之间有逻辑上的主谓关系或主表关系,若无宾语补足语,则句意不够完整。 宾补一般由名词、形容词、副词、介词短语、不定式或分词充当。 宾语和宾补合称复合宾语。 We?call?him(Peter). They?〈always〉keep?the room(clean). Exercise 划分下列句子成分,仔细体会复合宾语,注意带复合宾语的动词。 1.They made the girl monitor of the class. 2.They found you a right person for the job. 3.We consider that a lie. 4.We must keep it a secret. 5.They named the baby Tom. Exercise 划分下列句子成分,仔细体会复合宾语,注意带复合宾语的动词。 1.He has got everything ready. 2.I think it necessary. 3.The news made us happy. 4.Sports keep us healthy. 5.Loud noises drive people mad. 6. Let him in. 7. She found all the students in the room. 每天早晨我们都听到他大声朗读英语。 他昨天看见吉姆在公园里划船。 我们不会让她在晚上外出的。 我认为他是个快乐的,有许多朋友的人。 人们将他视为英雄。 这对夫妻像将她像公主一样对待。 Exercise 翻译下列句子,注意区别双宾语和复合宾语. 1.They made us a big cake. 2.They made me captain of the team. 3.They made me angry. 4.I found the story interesting. 5.I found you the book. 6.He fed the child some milk. 7.She ordered herself a new dress. 8.We think him an honest man. 9.She pushed the door open. 10.They always consider themselves in the right. 11.We found her out. 12.Let him in. ? 五种基本句型综合练习:指出下列句子属于哪种句型,并翻译成汉语. 1.The cook smells the food. 2.It smells delicious. 3.The train will come soon. 4.Your dream will come true sooner or later. 5.The days get longer. 6.Can you get me some tea? 6.Can you get me some tea? 7.They are getting everything ready. 8.He will get here on time. 9.I got the first prize. 10.He always keeps the windows open. 11.They keep quiet in class. 12.You can keep the books for a month. 13.He is telling stories. 14.He is telling the children stories. 15.These coats cost me 1000 yuan. 16.I owe him?$50. 17.He looks at the sky now and then. 18.He looks worried. 19.Turn the TV on. 20.When she saw this, she turned red. ? Transl


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