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Model Test 1 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH [参考译文]Instead of harassing the monks, the tigers voluntarily stood guard at thegate of the temple. As a reward for it, the monks would place some edibles infront of the gate for the tigers to eat. Towards evening, when the setting sunhad dyed half of the sky red, the tigers would come up to the gate in groups toeat their fill and then left slipping and jumping. The monks usually left thegate wide open while peacefully engaged in their daily routine of chantingBuddhist scripture inside the temple. Normally none of their came out to watchthe tigers eat. Sometimes, however, one or two monks did appear standing at thegate, but the tigers would remain unalarmed and, taking the monks for theirfriends, did nothing to harm them. They just kept on eating unhurriedly untilthey finished and left. Sometimes, when they found,monks at the gate, they would whisk away like the windafter uttering several thunderous roars. SECTION B ENGLISHTO CIINESE 【参考译文】涉足爱河的青年男女常以爱情为砝码,而他们的父母更愿意他们选择有钱人。在浪漫主义小说里,上述择偶难题常以一种巧妙而圆满的方式得到解决:女主人公开始出身贫寒,竟然在小说结尾摇身一变,成了巨额财富的继承人。然而,在现实生活中,年轻人要是指望这样一种结局,准会大失所望。谨镇的父母一方面认同女儿应该为爱而嫁,一方面却费尽心思,确保她结识的男士非富则贵。这种方法有时也很奏效,我的外祖父堪称典范,他那一大群浪漫纯情的女儿无一嫁给囊中羞涩之徒。 在流行心理分析的今天,这个问题就不再像80年前那么简单了。现在,我们意识到金钱可能是促成真挚爱情的全部或部分原因,历史上亦不乏家喻户晓的例子。 Model Test 2 SECTIONA CHINESE TO ENGLISH 【参考译文】In the following year, a formal peace pact was signed.About a month later, Cixi left Xi’an at last. She was utterly fearful offoreigners just as she was extremely arro-gant toward her own countrymen. Shestopped far a long time in Henan and halted in Baoding for quite a few daysbefore finally arriving in Beijing. According to unofficial accounts,an amusing episode took place during this long and drawnout journey. When a local official offered a monkey to her as a gift,she was so pleased that she ordered a yellow mandarinjacket to be conferred upon the monkey.later, a eunuchheard some officials complaining that people were considered less worthy th



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