英国文学史 William Blake.ppt

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英国文学史 William Blake

Blake’s Life Songs of Experience * * L/O/G/O (1757----1827) William Blake He was born in 1757 in London. He never went to school, but he learned to read and write at home, with his mother’s help. He was a poet and a graphic artist. a. his native sensitivity b.his contact with radical people There are two factors that helped to orient his thematic thrust. a. his concern with social events b. his mysticism The two major thematic strands that make up the basic fabric of his poetry. The writings is allegorical, including: The Book of Thel Tiriel (1789) The writings stress mans revolt against commal standards for regeneration, incluing: Visions of Daughters of Albion (1793) America, A Prophecy (1793) Europe, A Prophecy (1794) The writings introduce the myth, including: The First Book of Urizen (1794) The Songs of Los (1795) The Book of Ahania (1795) The Four Zoas (1797) Milton(1804—1820) The Ghost of Abel (1822) The writings indicate a shift, incluing: Songs of Innocence Songs of Innocence reveals childs eyes looking at life and the world. Songs of Experience is about adult who has experience and different mode of perception. “Innocenceand Experience denote two different phases of human life. The two volumes contrast with one another. The poems in the volums are well paired off and throw the contrast of their subjects. Infant Joy Infant Sorrow The Blossom The Sick Rose The Lamb The Tiger The DivineImage The Human Abstract For instance,  To see a World in a Grain of Sand  And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,  Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand,  And Eternity in an hour. Songs of Innocence The speaker wanders through the streets of London and comments on his observations. London A reflection of all the miseries and ills in London, economic, religious, political, military, all aspects of social life I wandered thro’ each charter’d streets, Near where the charter’d Thames does flow, And mark in every face I meet


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