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英文介绍内蒙古duty report

MY HOMETOWN BAOTOU INNER MONGOLIA CMU FuBenliang 99k39b Baotou Baotou, translated from the Mongolian Bao Ke Tu, meaning deer in place, so it is also called Lucheng. The biggest city in Inner Mongolia. Baotou is the State Council first identified thirteen big city, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is the largest industrial city, is the national important foundation industry base. Aobao Festival? Aobao festival?activities?held?in the?lunar calendar,?in late May?to early June?Obo,?Mongolian for Dui Zi,?is a?cone?with a?stone?table,?top end hanging?flags?flagpole?and branches.?In?after the ceremony,?will also hold a traditional?horse racing,?wrestling?and other activities. 祭敖包活动一般在农历五月下旬至六月上旬举行,敖包,蒙古语为“堆子”,是用石头垒成的一座圆锥体的台子,上面竖着悬挂有经幡的旗杆和树枝。在祭典结束后,还将举行传统的赛马、摔跤等活动。 In Baotou south, through the Yellow River Bridge, enter Kubuqi (Xiangshawan its corner), dry and sunny weather throughout the year as long as the decline from the top of the sand will produce the roar of the buzz like a helicopter motor. If you dig the sand with your hands,the sound like a frog will happen, wah-wah, wonderfully unique. 在包头南,通过黄河大桥,进入库布齐沙漠(响沙湾为其一角),一年四季只要天气晴朗干燥从沙顶下滑便会产生“嗡嗡”似直升飞机马达的轰鸣声。若用双手刨沙,还会发生如同青蛙“哇哇”的叫声,独特奇妙 响沙湾 NAADAM The main festival is Naadam, which has been organised for centuries, consists of three Mongolian traditional sports, archery, horse-racing and wrestling. It is the largest summer celebration. Nowadays it is held on July 11 to July 13 . 代表队 骑马射箭 赛马 Food There’re a verity of food in Inner Mongolia .Most of them are dairy and meat product . Of course they are very delicious . roast whole lamb? 手把肉 Grilled lamb chops 马奶酒 蒙语称作“乞戈”或“艾日戈”。 酥油 milk tea YOU MIAN You mian have five series, steamed, fried, baked, fried, boil for a short time, there are a number of ten species, among them steaming noodles common has WOWO YUYU DUNDUN JIAOJIAO WANZI and other characteristics of 17 kinds of practices 莜面有五大系列,蒸、炸、氽、烙、炒,共有数十个品种,其中蒸莜面常见的就有有窝窝、馀馀、钝钝、饺饺、丸子等各具特色17种做法 That’


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