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英语组:曲远 e 国际新闻 政治新闻 娱乐 国内新闻 财经新闻 体育 International news political news Entertainment National news Financial news Sports International news 据中国之声《央广新闻》报道,今天是国务院总理李克强对印度进行正式访问的第二天。上午,印度辛格总理将特别为李克强总理在总统府门前广场举行隆重的欢迎仪式,之后两国领导人将会举行会谈,共同出席有关合作文件的签字仪式,共见记者。 新浪财经讯:国际市场黄金价格自2000年来一路走高,从2000年1月4日的每盎司281.5美元上升至最高点2011年9月5日的每盎司1895美元。但是,2013年4月12日国际金价出现大幅跳水,单日跌幅达到5.32%,创30年来之最,这是黄金历史上的“黑色星期五”。其后黄金价格一路探低,截至5月17日,伦敦黄金定盘价为每盎司1368.75美元,比年初跌去19.19%.。 Financial news 北京时间3月25日消息,NBA常规赛火箭在主场迎战国王,前三节火箭以77-72领先国王.。 Sport news Entertainment news 《致青春》是2013年中国大陆青春爱情校园题材的电影。改编自辛夷坞同名小说,是赵薇的首部导演作品。《致青春》由香港著名导演关锦鹏担任监制,韩庚、赵又廷、杨子珊、刘雅瑟、江疏影担任主演,并于2013年4月26日全国上映。《致我们终将逝去的青春》真实地展现了蓬勃绽放的内地一代人的青春感情和青春蜕变。 Text A、B C Text A: Text B: Text C: Bad language on TV is not OK for kids. Astronomers’ amazing escape. Mum finds her four girls. Read the newspaper articles and find a proper headline for each article. . 1.Text A:True or False? 1.The research is about people’s attitudes to bad language on screen by Leeds University. 2. People don’t mind bad language on television. 3. Some people find bad language “OK” in films. 4. Pulp Fiction, Brookside and South Park are books, while BBC is a TV program. T F T People don’t mind it as long as it is not used in programs watched by children. F film TV series cartoons a. What’s the result of the crash? Only the truck driver was hurt. The truck driver was killed in the crash. Some astronomers were dead. No one was seriously hurt in the crash. b. What caused the accident in Text B to happen? A. The foggy weather B. The truck drivers carelessness C. That the truck driver was too old D. A mysterious force 2.Text B: Choose the best answer. c. Why did the police call an ambulance? A. Because some astronomers were badly injured. B. Because the 60-year-old driver got stuck in the truck. C. Because they saw blood everywhere. D. Becau


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