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老战士 老领导 老师傅 老闰女 老黄牛(比喻勤勤恳恳做事而又不计名利的人 ) 老芹菜 老皇历 老生常谈 老捣乱 a veteran a senior leader a master craftsman the youngest daughter a willing ox (diligent and conscientious person) overgrown celery obsolete practice commonplace always make trouble 申请书 报告书 协议书 成绩通知书 (使用)说明书 成交确认书 电视机使用说明书 白皮书 家书 Letter of Application Report Agreement Grade Report Directions Sales Confirmation Television Operation Guide White Book a Letter from Home 密码 口水 救火 洗牌 大片 早恋 青春痘 方便面 隐形眼镜 流动资金 买一赠一 *secret code *mouth water *to save a fire *to wash the playing cards *big movie *early love *youth spot *convenient noodles *invisible glasses *circulating funds *buy one, present one password saliva [s?la?v?] to fight a fire to shuffle the playing cards blockbuster puppy love acne instant noodles contact lenses working capital buy one and get one free 酸奶 绿豆 食言 戴绿帽 黄色书籍 *sour milk (酸牛奶) *green bean (四季豆) *to eat one’s words (承认自己说错话) *have/wear a green bonnet *yellow book yoghurt mung bean break one’s promise/word be a cuckold dirty/adult book 炉子着得很旺。 The fire is burning briskly in the stove. 她着凉了。 She has caught cold. 上不着天,下不着地。 Be suspended in mid air. 你猜着了。 You’ve guessed right. 老李躺下就着了。 Lao Li fell asleep as soon as he lay down. 他走错了一着。 He has made a false move.(or:taken a wrong step) 这些孩子穿着整齐。 These children are all neatly dressed. 学习知识 学习技术 学习外语 学习成绩 学习别人的长处 互相学习 以雷锋为学习的榜样 他的英语水平比我高 把军政素质搞到一个 新水平 各级领导干部必须高 领导水平 acquire knowledge master a skill study a foreign language academic records emulate other’s strong points learn from each other follow the example of Lei Feng He knows more English than I do. Raise the military and political quality to a new height Leaders of various ranks must improve their art of leadership. V. Techniques of Translating a Given English Word 1. Deduction: to deduce the original meaning in the light of the explanation


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