英美大不同 300个英国人不说的单词.doc

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英美大不同 300个英国人不说的单词

英美大不同 300个英国人不说的单词 2015年01月27日11:59? 英美大不同 300个英国人不说的单词   British and American English often spell the same word differently, for example: labour/labor, enthrall/enthral, or centre/center. You can find out more about these differences here。   同一个单词在英式英语和美式英语中往往有不同的拼法,例如:labour/labor, enthrall/enthral, or centre/center。   There are also many cases in which the two varieties of English use different terms to describe the same thing. Here’s a list of various British words and expressions together with their American equivalents。   还有许多时候,同一件事物在英式和美式英语中有不同的词语来描述。请看下面的列表。? British English American English goods train freight train greaseproof paper wax paper/waxed paper green fingers green thumb grill (noun) broiler grill (verb) broil ground floor first floor groundsman groundskeeper hairslide barrette hatstand hatrack hen night bachelorette party hire purchase installment plan hoarding billboard hob stovetop holdall carryall holiday vacation holidaymaker vacationer homely homey hosepipe (garden) hose in hospital in the hospital hot flush hot flash housing estate housing development hundreds and thousands sprinkles?(for ice cream) ice lolly Popsicle?(trademark) icing sugar confectioners’ sugar indicator (on a car) turn signal inside leg inseam jelly babies jelly beans Joe Bloggs Joe Blow Joe Public John Q. Public jumble sale rummage sale jump lead jumper cable jumper sweater junior school elementary school kennel doghouse ladybird ladybug a lettuce a head of lettuce level crossing grade crossing lift elevator lolly Popsicle?(trademark) lollipop lady (or man) crossing guard loo (toilet) john loose cover slipcover lorry truck loudhailer bullhorn low loader flatbed truck lucky dip grab bag luggage van baggage car maize corn mangetout snow pea market garden truck farm marshalling yard railroad yard maths math metalled road paved road milometer odometer minim?(music) half note mobile phone cell phone monkey tricks monk


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