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本科毕业论文 题Abstract In western world, the tales about vampires have been existing since the beginning of literature. After that the literature with the theme of vampires has been flourishing for several centuries. The vampire culture plays an important position in the western cultural tradition and has great influence on it. This paper traces and explores the origin and history of vampires according to literature and folklore. Then it analyzes the influence of Christianity and the European plague on vampire culture. Finally by comparing the different vampire images in three vampire works Dracula, Interview with a Vampire and The Twilight Saga, it combs out the difference between vampire images in different periods and the change of people’s attitude to it, and makes effort to explore the reasons behind the change. Each era creates a vampire image it needs because each work reflects the culture of its era. KEY WORDS: vampires image era Contents I. Introduction 1 II. The Origin of Vampire Stories 1 2.1 Religious Stories 1 2.2 Local Folklore 2 2.3 Historical Figures 3 III. The Influencing Factors of Vampire Culture 3 3.1 A Christian Heresy 4 3.2 Two European Plagues 4 IV. The Change in the Image of Vampires in English Literary Works 7 4.1 Dracula 7 4.2 Interview with the Vampire 9 4.3 Twilight 11 V. Conclusion 12 REFERENCES 14 An Analysis?of?the Image?of?Vampires?in?English?Literary Works I. Introduction The image of vampires has a long history in western culture, which forms a unique and beautiful scenic line. The art works on vampire literature have many readers, which composes an important part of mass culture. The changing image of vampires with the development of human culture has become richer in extension and meaning, which refracts the change of social structure and reveals profound culture meaning. This article firstly depends on document and legend and retrospects the vampire’s origin and history. Secondly, this article cards the image of vampires from d


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