英语写作(一)Unit 3 The Better Word.ppt

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英语写作(一)Unit 3 The Better Word

Do classroom activities on page 35 That woman who is laughing is my mother. Finally, they found the treasure that had been hidden. This is the place that is most frequently reported in the press. The boy who was enchanted stared at the screen, mouth wide open. Do classroom activities on page 36 Development of career educators Readjustment of the flight timetable Money problems of high-school art education Country for family vacation The study of the growth of childhood personality Do classroom activities on page 37 Modifying the verb Modifying the adjective Modifying the adverb Modifying the whole sentence Misplaced Modifiers a word or phrase that causes confusion because it is located within a sentence so far away from the word(s) to which it refers Misplaced Modifiers Consider the different meanings in the following sentences: The dog under the tree bit Carrie. The dog bit Carrie under the tree. Misplaced Modifiers Sometimes misplaced modifiers are used for comic effect: The other day I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas Ill never know. -- Groucho Marx How might you correct the following sentence? Jennifer called her adorable kitten opening the can of tuna and filled the food bowl. Better: Opening the can of tuna, Jennifer called her adorable kitten and filled the food bowl. How might you correct the following sentence? Portia rushed to the store loaded with cash to buy the birthday gift. Better: Portia, loaded with cash, rushed to the store to buy the birthday gift. * * * * * Unit 3 The Better Word Review 1. Style of words: formal, informal, colloquial 2. Style and audience 3. Chinglish (1) Avoid literal translation e.g. ke gu ming xin de jiao xun (刻骨铭心的教训) the never-forgotten lesson (2) Grasp the connotation (3) Avoid repetition of meaning Unit Objectives At the end of the unit you will be able to: Know how to choose better words, i.e., words that are concise, precise, and effective; Know how to use m


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