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Lesson 31 A lovable eccentric lovable adj. 可爱的 Lovable=worthy of love 惹人爱的 eccentric n.(行为)古怪的人,adj 行为举止古怪的 -I cant get on well with him , because he is eccentric. Eccentricity n.怪癖 -One of his eccentricities is sleeping under the bed instead of on it. disregard v.不顾,漠视 -Please disregard noise and keep working. 词组:have a disregard of/for -他对我的感受漠然不顾。 -He has complete disregard of/for my feeling. in disregard of 不顾,漠视 -He did the work in disregard of my instruction. convention n.习俗,风俗 Custom 历史悠久的社会习俗 conscious adj.感觉到的,意识到的(=aware) Be conscious of/that =be aware of/that -He is unconscious of the danger. -He is unware of the danger. family conscious 有家庭观念的 clothes conscious 注重衣着的 conscious和aware的反义词直接加un:unconscious/unaware subconscious adj.下意识的 consciousness n.意识,知觉 conscience n.良心,道德 routine n.常规,惯例 墨守成规 follow the routine 打破常规 break the routine start the daily routine 开始每天的日常生活 invariably adv.总是,经常地 -他们几乎总是把数字弄错。 -They almost get the figure wrong invariably Variable adj.可变的,易变的 -他的情绪多变。 -His mood is variable. Vary v.变化,改变 vt. -I can vary the car speed at will. Vi. vary from 不同 -每个人的观点都不同。 -The ideas vary from person to person. Vary with 随...变化 -对衣服飞需求随着季节而变化。 -The demand of clothes varies with the season. shrewd adj.精明的,狡猾的,敏锐的,机灵的 -He is a shrewed observer. 他是个敏锐的观察者。 legendary adj.传奇般的 -He is a legendary hero. Legend n.传奇 网坛传奇(人物) tennis legend 足坛/乐坛传奇(人物)footfalling/music legend snob n.势利眼,欺上瞒下的人 -people describe him as a snob. N.自命不凡的人 intensely adv.强烈地 intense adj.(=very strong/violent/extreme) intense cold 严寒 intense heat 酷暑 强烈的讨论 intense discussion intensify vt. 使增强 -You must intensify your sense of responsibility. intensity n.强烈,强度 -失业这种现象越来越严重了。 -Losing jobs are growing in intensity. bedraggled adj.拖泥带水的 dump v. 把...砰地一声抛下 -他把旧照片丢进了一个盒子。 -He dumped his old photos into a box. V.倾倒,倾卸 -Some waste is dumped into the river. N.垃圾场 Garbage dump= rubbish dump=refuse dump apologetic adj. 道歉的 -他致以歉意。 -He was apologetic. Apologize v.道歉 Apologize


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