新概念三Lesson41 Illusions of pastoral peace.ppt

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新概念三Lesson41 Illusions of pastoral peace

Lesson 41 Illusions of pastoral peace 宁静的田园生活的遐想 Learning objectives 掌握一些单词的具体用法; 学习过去分词的用法; 进行一些口语训练。 New words and expression illusion n. 幻想,错觉 Mirrors in a room often give an illusion of space. under the illusion that 误以为… They were under the illusion that the company was doing well. under no illusion that 没有错觉... We live under no illusion that country life is beautiful. under/have illusion about have no illusion about I have no illusion about him ability. illusioned adj.充满幻想的 The world of children is illusioned. illusionary adj. 错觉的,幻觉的 Don’t believe in him. What he said is an illusionary picture. illusive adj. 虚假的,不可靠的 What he described was illusive. Don’t depend on him any more. impression印象,感觉,模仿 under the impression that印象是… I am under the impression that he is honest. I am under the impression that he will help me every day. 我以为他会每天帮我。 delusion 幻觉,(精神病人) He is under the delusion that somebody will kill him tomorrow. He lives under the delusion that he will be killed sometime. vision 憧憬 I live under the vision that I have a bright future. imagine 想像,设想,料想,猜想,认为 I imagined she was quite surprised when she heard the truth. imaginary 虚构的 The story is imaginary, Don’t be taken in. imaginative 富有想像力的 Children are more imaginative than adults. unimaginative 缺乏想像力的 imaginable 能想像得出的,(须放在被修饰词之后) She tried all imaginable ways to prevent a suit. pastoral adj. 田园的 pastoral poem 田园诗 pastoralist 田园诗的作者,牧民 breed vt. breed / bred / bred培育,养育,繁殖 raise / bring up / rear 养育 raise /breed/rear pets Do you raise dogs? He rears / breeds / raises two dogs. =educate As a mother, you must breed good manners into your child. rear 抚养---I must rear the child because I have the duty. =cause / lead / result in / give rise to War breeds misery and ruin. 战争导致毁灭和悲惨。 Your carelessness bred the accident breed in and in 近亲结婚,同种繁殖 breed out and out 非近亲结婚,异种繁殖 rapture n. 欣喜v.使欣喜 可意为 great joy / delight, At the news, they are in rapture


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