
CH01-1 PPT:管理者与管理.ppt

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CH01-1 PPT:管理者与管理

Chapter 1 Managers and Management Chapter 1 Managers Management Learning Outcomes After reading this chapter, you will be able to: Describe the difference between managers and operative employees. Explain what is meant by the term management. Differentiate between efficiency and effectiveness. Describe the four primary processes of management. Classify the three levels of managers and identify the primary responsibility of each group. Summarize the essential roles performed by managers. Discuss whether the manager’s job is generic. Describe the four general skills necessary for becoming a successful manager. Describe the value of studying management. Identify the relevance of popular humanities and social science courses to management practices. L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter. Who Are Managers? Where do they work? What Is Management? What Do Managers Do? What Is An Organization? Why Study Management? Opening Case: “The Apprentice” and Donald Trump “I made more money in bad times than I made in good times.” —— Donald Trump Seven Rules: 一、你必须拥有一定的禀赋; 二、做自己喜欢的事。我没有看到过任何一个成功的人不热爱他们的工作; 三、永不停止。如果前进道路上有一道铁墙,你都要咬牙闯过去。你绝对、绝对不要在心里说放弃; 四、自信很重要。但是自信不是你对自己断断续续地重复:“我会做到”,而是没有任何条件的信任自己; 五、互相考验。这是我至今实行的信条,从中你可以看到人们身上的优缺点,并以此作为任用职员的准则; 六、仔细辨别争论。即使在烈火中,也应该保持冷静。优秀的领导人可以在杂乱的争吵中分清主次,不称职的却会从争吵中迷失方向; 七、忠于你的团队,热爱你的队员。 Questions: 1. Is Donald Trump a manager? 2. Whether you feel Donald is a good manager or not?Why ? 1、 Who Are Managers And Where Do They Work? Organization [P4 关键名词] A systematic arrangement of people brought together to accomplish some specific purpose; applies to all organizations—for-profit as well as not-for-profit organizations. Where managers work (manage). Common characteristics Goals Structure People Common Characteristics of Organizations People Differences Operatives 业务人员 People who work directly on a job or task and have no responsibility for overseeing


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