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Lesson?16 Mary?had?a?little?lamb 玛丽有一头羔羊 Crimes against humanity prize adj. 珍贵的,宝贵的   可以表示“珍贵的,宝贵的”的词包括:prize,valuable,precious, dear   Eg.: Mary has got a prize lamb.    The cat is prize to the old lady. = Valuable(adj.有价值的, 贵重的) = Precious(adj.珍贵的, 宝贵的) = Cherishable adj.珍贵的(cherish vt.抚育, 爱护, 珍爱) = Dear(adj.昂贵的, 亲爱的) Tie v.拴, 系 tie?sth to… -- I?tied?the?dog?to?a?tree.(拴在某处) -- He?is?tied?to?his?family.(于…有联系) Tie n.领带, 关系(强调血缘关系) -- ties of blood 血缘关系 / the ties of friendship 朋友关系 vt. 拴,系。捆。 把……打结,系上。连接,使有关联。 n.(c)领带,领结(bow 蝴蝶结)。 vi. 不分胜负 tie down 限制,牵制。 tie in with 与……一致,配合。 tie up 栓住,捆牢。 使(钱等)难以动用,阻碍。 Please tie up this luggage. The task ties her down. 这项任务使她受到了限制。 To tie in with the film comedy, festive atmosphere, the day of the premiere of activities designed to be very warm and lively. 为了配合影片搞笑、喜庆的气氛,当天的首映活动也设计得非常温馨热闹。 theft n.偷盗行为,偷盗案 -- He?reports?the?theft?to?the?police. Accuse sb. of  accuse sb of doing sth 因为某事指控某人,指控某人做了某事 -- He accused his neighbor of stealing his bicycle. accuse?比charge语义弱:accuse强调"严厉的指责",charge强调"控告" charge sb with doing sth Be falsely accused of theft deny v.否认   deny sb. sth. 拒绝给予某人某物 deny?doing?sth -- He?denied?stealing?the?lamb. / He?denied?the?truth. deny?sb?nothing 百依百顺(deny v.拒绝) -- He?denies?his?wife?nothing. 他对他的妻子有求必应。 deny?oneself 克制自己 -- On?some?occasions?we?must?deny?ourselves. 在某些场合我们必须克制自己 There is no denying that….. There is no denying that coffee is not for everyone. If you drink too much it can increase nervousness, and cause rapid heartbeat and trembling hands. Ashamed adj.感到羞耻,惭愧 be?ashamed?of… 为...感到羞耻 -- He?is?ashamed?of?being?a?dustman. Shameful adj.可耻的(-- The?theft?is?shameful.) Shameless adj.无耻的(-- The?thief?is?a?shameless?person.) Apologize v.道歉 (apology n.道歉) apologize?to?sb (for?sth) (因为某事)向某人道歉 She apologized for accusing him falsely. 她为错误地咒骂他而道歉。 I do apologize for my mistake. apologize for oneself 为自己辩护 dye v.染(-- Dye?the?cloth?black 把这布染成黑色。)dies dyed dye


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