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第一周 Questions and answers 一、 What are those 6 English-speaking countries and it’s capitals? 1: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 (London伦敦) 2: The Republic of Ireland 爱尔兰共和国 (Dublin都柏林) 3: The United States of America 美利坚合众国 (Washington DC 华盛顿DC) 4: Canada 加拿大(Ottawa渥太华) 5:The Commonwealth of Australia 澳大利亚联邦 (Canberra堪培拉) 6:New Zealand (新西兰) (Wellington惠灵顿) 第二周 chapter1-2 Questions and answers What is the full name of the United Kingdom? The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland What are the other names? Simplified names: UK, United Kingdom。 Geographical name; Britain, Great Britain Historical name: the British Empire; the British Commonwealth; What are the two large islands that make up the British Isles? Great Britain and Ireland What are the four political divisions of the United Kingdom? England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland What are their respective capitals(首府)? London, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Belfast What’s its nickname? John Bull; sometimes, lion What’s the national anthem(国歌)? God save the Queen/King What’s its national flower? Rose What’s its national flag? Union Jack How many members are there in British Commonwealth in 2007? 53 课后重点练习 P8 一、1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 三、1 2 3 4 5 6 四、1 2 3 4 8 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 五、2 第三周 chapter3-5 Questions and answers 1. How do you know the three stages in the development of the English language? 1. Old English. 2. Middle English. 3. Modern English. (450-1150-1450-present) English is descended from the Germanic (日耳曼语) language of the Anglo-Saxons. (450-1150-1450-present) A: Early Modern English B: Authoritarian English C: Mature Modern English D: Late Modern English 2. Who are the ancestors of the English people? It’s Anglo-Saxons. The majority of the English people are descendents(后裔)of the Anglo-Saxons( after Romans left in 410 AD) 3. Who are the ancestors of the Scots, Welsh and Irish people? It’s Celts. Most people in Wales


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