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Good Will Hunting ;Director : Gus Van Sant Actor : Matt Damon Ben Affleck ;Will is gifted at maths ;But he is a rebellious boy;Will opens his heart to clear Interpersonal estrangement .;Trust is the key to everyones heart, without it you wont be honest to each other. 信任是突破心防的重要关键,不彼此信任就无法坦诚相待 ;Will——I look at a piano, I see a bunch of keys, three pedals and a box of wood.But Beethoven, Mozart-- They saw it. They could just play.I couldnt paint you a picture. I probably cant hit the ball out of Fenway. 威尔:当我望着钢琴时,只能看到一堆琴键、踏板和木头。但是对于贝多芬、莫扎特他们来说——他们一看到钢琴,自然而然就能演奏。我也不会画画,连球也打不好。 Skylan——But you can do my O-chem paper in under an hour. 史凯兰:但是你会在一个小时内做完我的有机化学作业。 Will——Right. Well, I mean, when it came to stuff like that, I could always just play. 对,我就是有这种才能,这种事情就是得心应手。 ;Most days I wish I never met you,because then I could sleep at night.I didnt have to walk around with the knowledge that there was someone like you out there.I didnt have to watch you throw it all away. 我常希望不曾遇到你,那样我将能每晚安睡。不用惦记在外面有个像你这样的人。我只是不忍心看你这样挥霍你的天赋。 ;In our fast-developing society,people become more and more distrustful. The only way to solve this problem is begin to be honest to others from yourself first.; Thank you


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