英语必修5语言点unit 2-4 Language points.ppt

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英语必修5语言点unit 2-4 Language points

*get +O. + to do “使…做…” *get +O. + doing “使…发动,开始” You’ll never get her _________ (agree). Let me try now. I’ll get the car _______ (go). I must get the curtains _________. (wash) washed to agree going *break away: a) to escape b)to end one’s connection with…摆脱 The prisoner broke away from the two policemen who were holding him. * ~ down * ~ up * ~ into * ~ in * ~ out * ~ through 分解;(机器)坏掉;(健康)垮掉 解散;终止;结束 强行闯入 插嘴 发生;爆发 突破 9.*convenience n.适合;方便; 方便好用的事物 She thinks only of her own convenience. 这栋新建的公寓大楼有齐所有的现代化设备。 The newly-built apartment building provides all of the modern conveniences public conveniences for convenience 为了方便 at one’s convenience 在方便的时候 For convenience the class is divided into four groups. Please come at your convenience. *convenient adj. Come and see me whenever ___ . You are convenient B. you will be convenient C. it is convenient to you D. it will be convenient to you C 10. Although many of the cities are not as large as those in China, they have famous football teams and some even have two. 辨析:it/ one /that /those /the one /the ones A)I have lost my umbrella, I think I must buy _______. B)I have lost my umbrella, I’m looking for ______. C)He is the teacher, ________ who is loved by the students. one it the one D) We see him when he comes to town, but ______ isn’t often. E)These pictures are more beautiful than _______. F)He advised the farmers to choose the best seeds, ___________ that have the best color. G) His discription didn’t answer to ____ ot the thief. G) Equipped with modern facilities today’s libraries differ greatly from _____. a. those of the past b. the past c. which of the past d. these past that those the ones/those A that 11.However, these industrial cities built in the 19th century do not have the historical attractions of other places. 然而这些建于19世纪的工业城市并不像别的地方那样具有历史魄力。 *attraction A) Detective novels hold a special attraction ( )for me.


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