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Unit 3 Language points;Learning objectives;Step I Revision;1 There is no ___ that social development cannt be stopped no matter whether you like or not. (2013.江西赣江市高考模拟) A idea B opinion C doubt D schedule 2 -- May I open the window to let in some fresh air? -- _____! (09.四川高考) A Come on B Take care C Go ahead D Hold on 3 Be well prepared, and we can be full of confidence to ____ the future. A march out B march into C march on D march off; 4 European football is played in 80 countries ,_____ it the most popular sport in the world. A making B makes C made D to make;Step II Expressions and phrases Self-study guidance 1 Refer to the English book and find out the following useful expressions.;1 认为...是... 2 观察世界的方式 3 免费教学 4 通过...赚得... 5 除...之外 6 对...知之甚少 7 对...有深远影响 8 在许多情况下 9 使某人意识到... 10 感到尴尬 ;11 现代哲学和科学的基础 12 使某人生气 13 受够了... 14 因某事把某人告上法庭 15 质疑...的存在 16 通过...为自己辩解 17 判...死刑 18 被迫做某事 19 寻找,寻求;Step III Key words Phrases Self-study guidance 2 Translate the following sentences into Chinese and notice the usage of the underlined words. 1 Philosophy can be thought of as a way of looking at the world around us, or of answering ... ? (L1-2) 2 Finally, some people had had enough of him, so they took him to court for questioning the existence of the Greek gods and for corrupting the young people of Athens. (L20-22) 3 At his trial, he defended himself by asking his judges yet more questions. (L22) 4 Finally he was put to death by being forced to drink poison. (L23-24);1 Philosophy can be thought of as a way of looking at the world around us, or of answering ... ? ?think of ...as... 认为...是... / 把...看作... = take / have / treat / regard / consider...as... 我向来认为Peter是一位了不起的学者 I have always thought of Peter as a great scholar ? a way of doing = a way to do 一种做某事的方式 It will be accepted way to do your job. = It will be accepted way of doing your job. ;2 Finally, some people had had enough of him, so they took him to


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