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poster actor adventure film star adventure film They can use swords and guns as necessary as possible. Adventure films are often filled with exciting fights. What do you know about other kinds of movies? Romantic film Romantic are about two people who fall in love with each other. Comedy film Comedies are always amusing Thriller film Thrillers are always full of fighting and crimes and exciting scenes using their guns. Martial arts film Martial films use swords frequently when they fought. The scene is often exciting. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Born and raised in Taiwan Best Foreign Film, Best Cinematography, Best Art Direction--Set Decoration, Best Original Score Award Ang Lee Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon《卧虎藏龙》 Information in the poster(海报): Director: Characters: Ang Lee Chow Yun-Fat Michelle Yeoh Chang Chen Zhang Zi-Yi ? ???????????? ???????????? ? ???????????? Fast reading: Match the main idea with each paragraph Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 Paragraph 5 A. The writer’s opinion B. The characters of this film. C. The plot of the film D. The setting of the film E. Introduction of Ang Lee Ang Lee director of a number of excellent films, has made a martial arts film called Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. The result is a masterpiece. A director is a person who directs films. The film _______ __ a type of Chinese story _______wuxia. These stories ______ __ nineteenth-century martial arts _______ with ________ abilities . Wuxia films are _______ in China , and they are now po- pular in the west too . belongs to tell of masters unusual popular called A story of a stolen sword, and the fight to get it back. The story 1___________in the early 2_______ in China. Li Mubai and Yu Xiulian are in love 3_______ each other, but they can’t marry. When someone 4_______ Xiulian’s sword, they try to get it back. Characters 5 _______ through the air 6 ___________________, with beautiful, 7_________ movements, while audie


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