英语必修五unit 2 language points.ppt

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英语必修五unit 2 language points

Explanation How many countries does the UK consist of ? 大不列颠由多少个国家组成?    consist vi. 在于, 存在于; 组成, 构成 【习惯搭配】 1) consist of 由…组成, 由…构成, 包括 3) consist with = be consistent with 与……一致,相符 Your dream doesn’t always consist with the reality. 4) 词汇拓展: consistence=consistency n.一贯性,一致性 consistent adj. 前后一致的,没有矛盾的 consistently adv. 一致地 The soup______ ___ tomatoes, meat and peas. The beauty of the plan ______ ___ its simplicity. His actions __________ ____ his words. (他言行不一。) The Group of Eight ______ ___ the eight richest countries in the world. 2. England can be divided into three main areas. 英国可以分成三大部分。   divide 意为“把一个整体分成若干个部 分” 常与 into, among, between 搭配 3 puzzle in geography 1) n. sth. that is difficult to understand or explain 难题,谜;益智游戏 a cross-word puzzle 填字游戏 I am in a puzzle about his strange behavior. 2) vt. to confuse someone 使……迷惑 e.g., My sister often puzzles me. 3) vi. be puzzled about/ over 为……苦苦思索 John were puzzled over the question all the night. 4)puzzling adj. 令人迷惑的 puzzled adj. 感到迷惑的 Your question is _________. What she said made her husband ________. 4. You can clarify this question if you study British history. 如果你学习了英国历史, 就能弄清楚这个问题了。 clarify vt. 澄清, 讲清楚, 阐明  vi. 澄清, 清楚, 明了, 易懂事 Could you clarify the question? 你能解释这个问题吗? His mind suddenly clarified. 他的头脑突然清醒了。 When people refer to England you find Wales included as well. “find+宾语+宾补”结构: find+宾语+宾补 现在分词 (n./ pron.) 过去分词 n./ adj./ adv/介词短语 I find him ____________. (一个诚实的人) You will find this book________.(难) Did you find them in? He woke up and find himself ___________(在医院里). I found a man _______ (lie) under the tree. When I got home, I found my wallet _______.(steal) 6. Happily this was accomplished without conflict. 1) accomplish v. t


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