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假设你叫李华,前几天你从国外某网站购买了一个扩音器,现在请你发一封电子邮件给网站管理员反映以下问题: 1.音质不清 2. 操作不简便 3.经常出问题 期待的解决办法: 1.退货退款 2.修理或更换 Analysis: 1.体裁:投诉信 2.时态:一般现在时 3.人称:第一人称 4.段落:3-4段 注意事项: 1.开头:开门见山说明目的 2.主体部分:准确明了写出投诉的问题和想要的解决办法 3.结尾:重申问题,希望对方尽快作出回复。 4.语言:既要清楚地指出问题,又要注意礼貌。 Suggested Sentences: 开头: 1. I’m writing to complain about... 或... There seems to be something wrong with the loudspeaker. So I writing to you, hoping for your help. 主体部分: 1. To begin with/ first of all, the voice isnt clear as you claimed/described in your website. 2. not easy to operate, which brings me much inconvenience. 3. ...often breaks down, which shows its poor quality. 结尾: 1. Due to the inconvenience it has caused, I wonder if you can do something about it. 2. I would appreciate it if I could get my money back. 3.If this does not work, I wish you could have it repaired. 4. I have great faith that you will do what you can to fix the problem. Dear Sir/Madam, Im Li Hua, a customer who bought a loudspeaker from your website several days ago. There seems to be something wrong withe it. To begin with, the voice is not so clear as you describe it in the web -site. Besides, its not easy to operate, causing me much inconvenience. Whats worse, it often breaks down for no reason, which shows its poor quality. Therefore, I hope you can solve the problem for me. I wonder if I can get my money back. If not, I wish you could have it repaired or


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