英语思辨能力培养 lecture 1 - Introduction to Argument.ppt

英语思辨能力培养 lecture 1 - Introduction to Argument.ppt

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英语思辨能力培养 lecture 1 - Introduction to Argument

? ? ? ? ? ? ? Lecture 1: Introduction to Argument Why learn critical thinking skills? *clarify our thinking *advance our thinking * see the implications of and relationships between our ideas and beliefs * identify the flaws in our own and others’ thinking Lessons from Monty Python - ‘Argument is not just contradiction.’ - ’Argument is an intellectual process.’ - ‘Argument is a collected series of statements to establish a definite proposition.’ An argument is…. A set of propositions (命题) where— One is said to be true, AND The other(s) are being given as reasons to believe the truth of that one. Definition of an Argument 今天星期二。山谷老师每个星期二穿灰色的马甲。因此山谷老师今天会穿灰色的马甲。 It is Tuesday. Glenn always wears a grey waistcoat on Tuesday, so Glenn will be wearing a grey waistcoat today. 这个立论有什么主张? Conclusion (结论) : the proposition said to be true Premises (前提) : the proposition(s) being offered as reasons to believe the conclusion 今天星期二。山谷老师每个星期二穿灰色的马甲。因此山谷老师今天会穿灰色的马甲。 It is Tuesday. Glenn always wears a grey waistcoat on Tuesday, so Glenn will be wearing a grey waistcoat today. 结论是什么? 前提是什么? 今天星期二。 山谷老师每个星期二穿灰色的马甲。 山谷老师今天会穿灰色的马甲。 IMPORTANT: An argument is a set of propositions, but not all sets of propositions are arguments. Sets of propositions that are not arguments may: Have no relationship to each other at all OR Have a relationship but not the same kind as arguments do 这些句子是不是立论? 21%的空气是氧气. 哈尔滨在黑龙江省. 这些呢? 21%的空气是氧气。 因此哈尔滨在黑龙江省。 Argument is not an innate quality (天生的特点) of propositions. Rather, it’s something we do with propositions. At about 11am the rain stopped and the clouds parted. Then the sun came out. Since Chengdu is west of Wuhan and Urumqi is west of Chengdu, Urumqi is west of Wuhan. Witches (女巫们) float because witches are made of wood and wood floats. Since Jesse James left town with his gang (一帮), things have been a lot quieter. Which ones are arguments? People who diet lose weight. Since Falstaff hasn’t lost weight


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