英语散文选读 绪论.ppt

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英语散文选读 绪论

(Robert Kaplan) The classic organizational pattern that readers of English expect is a straight line of development which includes: introductions, main ideas, topic sentences, supporting details, conclusions, etc. This organizational pattern can be stated simply: Tell your audience what you are going to tell them; then tell them; then tell them what you told them. Introduction It is a process filled with imagination and emotional activities. The content of critical appreciation : Perception, imagination, emotional transformation, acceptation of the unusual thing, language understanding ability, comprehension 感知能力、想象能力、移情能力、见异能力、语言能力、理解能力 “直观、复现、共鸣、领悟、回味” Course objective practical : grasp the knowledge concerned British and American writers learn reading skills aesthetic: learn to appreciate the beauty of essay ( style /choice of words/ organization ) cultural : understand the social background have a critical perspective on the subject matter End Reading Childhood Nature Personality Travel Values Education Views Work citizenship Art and sport Feminity Local color Science writing Teaching schedule Unit 1 Of Studies Unit 2 A Modest Proposal Unit 3 What I Have Lived For Unit 4 The Death of the Moth Unit 5 Work, Labor, and Play Unit 6 How Wealth Accumulates and Men Decay Unit 7 Appetite Unit 8 My Father Mid-term Unit 9 A Passion for Cities Unit 10 The Autobiography Unit 11 Solitude Unit 12 Advice to Youth Unit 13 Self-Reliance Unit 14 A Rose for Emily Unit 15 Salvation Unit 16 Mother Tongue Teaching schedule blog 网易公开课 新浪爱问 TED Resources for learning Assessment ◆ Assignments classroom activities 20% ◆ Term paper 20% ◆ Final examination 60% How to tell a story Make story Reference books The Norton Anthology of English Literature 1,2, W.W.Norton Company, Inc. 1989. The Norton Antholody of American Literature 1,2, W.W.Norton Company, Inc. 1989. 刘象愚,英美散文赏析,新华出版社,2007. 姚宗立,经典散文欣赏,武汉:武汉测绘科技大学出版社,1997. 杨自伍,英国散文名篇欣赏,上


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