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Step 步骤 第一段 。 第二段 第三段 1.呈现问题2.写信目的 列出建议 提出希望和祝福 Outline 建议的信的提纲 建议信第一段呈现问题和目的的句式 第一种: Thank you for trusting me. Its my pleasure to give you some suggestions / advice / tips. 第二种: I’m glad to receive your e-mail. You have asked me for my advice on how to solve this problem and I will try to make some suggestions. 第二段表达建议常用句式: 1. If I were you, I would …… 2. As far as I am concerned, …… 3. It would be a good idea if 4. Firstly …… Secondly …… Last but not least(最后但不是最不重要) …… 第三段希望的常用句式: I hope you will find these ideas useful. Look forward to your reply. Only in this way /bying doing this can you have a good future. Reading and listening Reading this passage and think about the difference between a fact and an opinion. 1 What is a fact? What is an opinion? What is evidence? The facts given by the eyewitness is called evidence. A fact is anything that can be proved. An opinion is what someone believes is true but has not been proved. Now read the following sentences and decide whether they are facts or opinions. 1. The sun rises in the rast and sets in the west. 2. I think driving a car is wrong because it causes damage to the environment. A fact An opinion 2 Now read a man’s story about what happened to the Amber Room quickly. Do you think it is a fact or an opinion? Give your reasons. I think it is it is an opinion that what id in the boxes is gold or the Amber Room because Jan Hasek did not see what was in the boxes. He listened to other people’s ideas of what might have been inside. So his evidence is an opinion. Read the story again and fill in the table. Name Job Place Time What he heard What he saw What he believes Jan Hasek A miner April, 1945 Czech Republic 1 Some German soldiers put wooden boxes in the mine. 2 The entrance to the mine was closed. Something explored at midnight. The Amber Room and some gold were buried in the mine. 3 Language points 1. 1.trial n.审判/审讯、试验 be on trial 在受审、在试验中 prove :


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