英语必修1北师大版模块1-Unit1课件PPT:lesson 3阅读.ppt

英语必修1北师大版模块1-Unit1课件PPT:lesson 3阅读.ppt

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英语必修1北师大版模块1-Unit1课件PPT:lesson 3阅读

必修1 words review n. 志愿者 volunteer graduate minus basin challenge support dial design solve presentation advertisement vi. 毕业 adj. 零下,负 n. 脸盆 support n. 挑战 vtn. 支持 n. 表演,展示 n. 广告 nvt. 设计 vt. 拨(电话号码) vt. 解决;解答 objective To guess the meaning of the words: support, solve, design, volunteer, challenge, advertisement, presentation, graduate, be excited about, make a decision, prepare, to tell the truth, have a long walk. To give opinions about voluntary work. To find the specific information about Wang Shu’s plan by listening. To talk about future arrangements and intentions. Volunteer for Beijing Olympic Games Lead-in 1 International Volunteer Day was founded in 1985. Then December 5th was approved (批准, 通过) as International Volunteer Day at the 40th United Nations General Assembly (联合国大会). Lead-in 2 Do you want to be a volunteer? Which place needs volunteers? Hospitals Charities Sporting leagues and events Environmental organizations Human rights organizations Government agencies (local, provincial, federal) donating blood without payment What can volunteers do? Give some examples care for the elderly Do clean-up and repairs in the community. Raise awareness of important issues. help the sick and injured (非洲志愿者) Plant trees What do you know about this part of China? What can you say about the girl in the photo? Which part of China do you think this photo is from? This is a real story. The girl’s name is Wang Shu, grew up in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. Upon graduation from the English department of Beijing Normal University, she left Beijing for Inner Mongolia working as a volunteer teacher. She is still there now. Listen to the interview and answer these questions. What is Wang Shu’s future plan? 2. How does she feel about her work in Inner Mongolia? 3. Why did she decide to go there? 4. What is she going to do in Inner Mongolia? 5. What do her parents think of her decision? 1. She is going to work as a volunteer teacher in a small country town


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