英语泛读教程3:Unit 15.ppt

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英语泛读教程3:Unit 15

Unit 15 Love of Life (I) The information you can get from the title The topic of the passage: a tale of human unequaled endurance and ardent love of life burning in human soul The focus of the writing: how a man struggles to survive when traveling in the wilderness Overview Lead in Introduction of Jack London Text: Love of Life (I) Vocabulary, text analysis, and exercises Home Reading: Love of Life (II) Fast Reading Introduction of Jack London Born: January 12, 1876 Died: November 22, 1916 Occupation : Novelist, journalist, short story writer and essayist Literary movement: Realism and Naturalism Text Love of Life (I) Vocabulary 1. wince v.畏缩,退避 2. savor n.滋味,气味,食欲 3. exertion n.发挥,运用,努力 4. sediment n.沉淀,沉积物 5. crevice n.裂缝,裂隙 6. remorseless a.冷酷的,无情的 7. ravenously adv.贪婪的,渴望的 8. bellicose ?a.好战的,好斗的 9. germane a.贴切的,有密切关系的 10. evict v.驱逐,逐出 Text Analysis Part I: Paragraph 1-22? The difficulties after he was deserted. Part II: Paragraph 23-end he was in the death line. Exercises (A) c (B) a b b a c b c c d b b (D) b a b c c a a a c d b b Home Reading Love of Life (II) Vocabulary 1. genial a.亲切的,友好的,和蔼的 2. lugubriously adv.悲哀的,伤心的 3. gloat v./ n.幸灾乐祸,心满意足的注视 Exercises c d a c d d d c Fast Reading Vocabulary One 1. prosecution n.检查,经营,起诉 2. render v.致使,提出,实施 3. ascertain v.确定,查明,探知 Two 1. reckon v.测算,估计,认为 2. antedate v.先于,前于 3. stripling n. 年轻人 4. metropolis n.大都市 Three 1. nugget n.天然金块,矿块 2. plague v.折磨,使苦恼 3. entrepreneur n.企业家,主办者 4. nucleus n.核心,原子核 Passage One c a c c b Passage Two a c c d c Passage Three d d a d a * * Famous novels: The Call of the Wild 《野性的呼唤》 White Fang 《白牙》 The Sea-Wolf 《海狼》 The Iron Heel 《铁蹄》 Martin Eden 《马丁·伊甸》


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