英语选修6外研版Module 5Cloning课件PPT:阅读23张.ppt

英语选修6外研版Module 5Cloning课件PPT:阅读23张.ppt

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英语选修6外研版Module 5Cloning课件PPT:阅读23张

Aldous Huxley 《美丽新世界》是非常著名的政治小说,被称为反乌托邦三部曲之一,另外两部为: 1920 俄国 扎米亚京 《我们》 1948 英国 奥威尔 《一九八四》 正面乌托邦三部曲: 1516 英国 莫尔 《乌托邦》 1601 意 康帕内拉《太阳城》 1619 德 安德里亚 《基督城》 Fast reading 1. When was the book Brave New World written? 2. Who wrote the book? 3. How many types of clones are there in the world described in the book? What are they? Five different types. They are Alphas, Betas, Epsilons and etc. Decide whether these statements true or false. 1. The novel is still a subject of much discussion today for it is possible that the future world would be like the one described in it. 2. The world described in the novel will become reality after six hundred years in the future. 3. Each Alpha person is identical but each Beta person is not. 4. In the world described in the novel, every single person is happy with its position in society. 5. The government also uses a drug to keep most of the people happy. 6. The writer of the novel thinks it good if people in a country are completely controlled by the government. Do you think the world described in the novel is possible? Why or why not? …it became a subject of much discussion… 2. The first is that people are no longer born from human beings. 首先就是人不再由人生出来。 其他短语: be born into/to 出生在……的家庭 e.g. Frank was born into a wealthy family. 弗兰克生在一个富有的家庭。 be born with… 天生有…… e.g. He was born with a talent in painting. 他天生就有绘画的天赋。 be born to be/do sth. 天生适合做…… e.g. Joan was born to be a singer. 琼天生就是作歌手的料。 4. be happy with…: be satisfied with… 对……感到满意 e.g. The manager was quite happy with this year’s sale. 经理对今年的销售额相当满意。 5. feel strong emotion 感受到强烈的感情 6. These questions have become more important than ever. 这些问题变得比以往更加重要。 * 外研版 高二年级(选修6) Module 5 In 1931. Aldous Huxley T F T F F F Discussion e.g. As soon as the new bill was passed, it became a


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