英语选修6外研版Module 5Cloning课件PPT:阅读28张.ppt

英语选修6外研版Module 5Cloning课件PPT:阅读28张.ppt

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英语选修6外研版Module 5Cloning课件PPT:阅读28张

2. Which sentence in the Para. 4 can be replaced by the following one? If one was a clone of his father or mother, his childhood would be full of unknown psychological pressure. * Welcome to my English class! Dolly (1997---2003) Module 5 Cloning and DNA (Reading and writing) Fast-reading What is DNA? 2. What is a clone? 3. What’re the characteristics of stem cells? DNA is a transparent twisting ladder made of the fundamental components of life. 1. What is DNA? 2.What is a clone? A clone is an organism which is genetically identical to another one. Stem cells are very flexible and can develop into every other type of cell in the body. 3. What’re the characteristics of stem cells? Mendel Watson and Crick Boyer Cohen Detailed reading I. Para. 1 ---Para. 3 1973 1953 1866 Discovery Scientist Time Mendel Watson and Crick Cohen and Boyer both parent plants have influenced the genetic make-up of the new plant The structure of acid DNA A procedure to use enzymes to unzip the DNA, to cut out a sequence of genes and finally insert them into the host cell and combine with its DNA Mendel Watson and Crick Boyer Cohen Cloning humans from their parents has the disadvantage that _______. It is a treatment for couples who want children B. It could create an exceptional human being C. We cannot predict the psychological effects D. The clone may not lead the same life II. Para.4 ---Para.6 A cloned Einstein will be the same with the original one. 2. Stem cells can’t develop into every other type of cell in the body. 3.The unacceptable embryo would be wasted. F F T True or false 但是克隆出来的爱因斯坦选择的人生道路可 和 “原版” 爱因斯坦的选择大相径庭。 But an Einstein clone might choose a path in life which is contradictory to the one the original Einstein chose. ___________________________________ __________________________________. Translation Normal cows Cloned cow Solve crimes A fourth reason for _______is that some scientists and farmer


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