英语:Moudle 4《Carnival》课件-Introduction(外研版必修5).ppt

英语:Moudle 4《Carnival》课件-Introduction(外研版必修5).ppt

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英语:Moudle 4《Carnival》课件-Introduction(外研版必修5)

ks5u精品课件 Introduction-1. Description of Chinese festivals(3m) Can you describe one of the Chinese festivals? Introduction-2. western festivals(4m) How much do you know about the following western festivals? Paragraph 5 When and how was the tradition of celebrating carnival revived? In the late 1970s the tradition___________ by students, who began making masks and organizing parties and threw _______________ paper at tourists. The town council realized carnival ____________ business and the festival _____________ for tourists. Paragraph 6 How is carnival celebrated in Venice today? Today carnival in Venice _____________ for five days in February. People arrive from all over Europe to enjoy the fun. Hotels are fully ______ and the streets ______________ wonderful costumes. * * Period 1 Module 4 Carnival Introduction Reading and Vocabulary wear special clothes eat special food give or receive gifts have a holiday from school take part in a traditional ceremony dance and listen to music enjoy yourself with friends or family Christmas This is a Christian festival which comes in the middle of winter. reindeer 驯鹿 Sleigh 雪橇 Santa Claus 圣诞老人 Holi This is a festival of color, which marks the beginning of spring in India. Thanksgiving Day This is when Americans remember the hard times when they first arrived in the country. turkey 火鸡 pumpkin pie 南瓜饼 Halloween This festival is at the end of October, when “ghosts” come out. Easter This is a Christian holiday in March or April when Christians remember the death of Christ and his return to life. Easter Bunny Easter eggs复活节彩蛋 Carnival People love wearing special clothes for this festival. Reading and Vocabulary-1. Warming-up (2m) Describe the photo on P31. What is the person wearing? a crown a mask a robe holding a fan Reading and Vocabulary 2--Skimming (3m) Read the passage and choose the topics it mentions. Different carnivals The origins of carnival Special food Carnival in Venice √ √ √ Read


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